Ok I watched Dota 2 diaries part 2...… hopefully you can bottle runes next time; will the bots win next week? Will Riki need dust, will Drow get a magic stick? Only time will tell.
Note the chicken's status (bottom right) so you don't piss off your team mates "who the hell is $%@# ing with the courier".
Call ss, mia, top, mid bot, Ursa is heading your way...and he got Shadow Blade!
Please - practical > theory; have him stack creeps (practical) not theory, and pull creeps (practical) not theory. "Just do it".
I know it's early but third time's a charm - ROSHAN will die next week, if not by the Humans, may the Bots slay him.
Make sure to cover; wards and runes and a bottle....denying towers (towers have hp), creep blocking...the chicken, donkey or whatever you wanna call it, it can be killed for gold, it can fly but it's not Superman...ROSHAN, yeah this diary series will be mighty long. Dota's learning curve is way too steep and when you die you lose gold, and when you stay alive long and die you lose a shit ton of gold, buy often!
The main reason they have not officially announced anything yet, is because......wait for it:
Sony needs to see what it's competitors have, then it will be able to pick and choose the best ideas from them for it's next console. Simple as that mate!
Microsoft's E3 press conference is what we have come to expect from them; they are pushing this social spin and all in one entertainment concept like nobody's business. Games tend to take a back seat to some extent with MS conference.
Skullmon's comments