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12th April The New Begining

Well it's taken me a while to get round to writing this but im finally here! yaaaay for me!!! ...yay for me....anyone? meh i thought not :( Well i'll keep this entry brief as it doesn't have too much to do with games. I've decided to put my life back another year (another!!) and retake the 2nd year of my college course, i feel like such a faliure but thats just my life right now. Now i must get a nicely paying job until september. I'm doing Multimedia by the way so it is relative in a way, honestly im headed for the film industry and if i get there i'll remember you guys. If you people ever see the name Luke Jones as a movie director or producer on a succesful film then expect something to make waves in the games industry too (my first love admittedly). On a side note, after 24 hours of fighting ive finally completed RE4....$$$ what a ride. The last boss was a jip, what a ride but damn that boss was easy compared to Krauser. Anyway ive got to face my parents over this college issue, if i dont post within a week....send a search party.