Only thing you'll get out of Maroxad is the bogus rant he chants daily off a 45° carton billboard, held high up by a fellowship of his sterile virgins.
SkyWard20's forum posts
Seriously, Maroxad is one of the worst users this forum has ever had. Everything he says in one word: shit. No value. No insight. No critique.
Just ignore him and hope that he goes away.
People still putting that outdated disaster The Witchor in their top 10 lists. Unblievable. Pizdek.
Can't believe lamers are still playing this failure. Hilarious.
Don't listen to any advice this guy gives you. Virtually everything he says is certified BS.
I bet most of you aren't even playing this game anymore. :lol:
[QUOTE="Born_Lucky"]why do you relate games to real life? They're supposed to be escapism. In a different sense I do find lol-worthy how they try to paint (at least in more recent entries) GTA protags as being morally complex characters that are reduced to a life of crime even though they came to Amurica with pure intentions.I can't play GTA games.
The thought of playing as a loser, who can't get a real job, tearing up the city he lives in, while mindlessly hurting the people that actually keep the place going . . . makes me nauseous.
\sarcasm? who doesn't love their first-person shooters with the bland monotony of a subpar MMO. Your posts are made of 90% troll; that didn't even make a lick of sense -- and I think Bioshock was average at best.[QUOTE="FelipeInside"][QUOTE="JigglyWiggly_"] except Farcry 2Socijalisticka
everyone knows you're the sheeple here.haha just more analysts reading sheeps bladders as stated in my previous thread.. how about you more carefully analyze what i say before you go assaulting every word i utter.. not all of it is BS
ionusX is a massive trollboy and the only people who defend him fall into his demographic of GW2 fanboys, AMD fanboys, or MLP fanboys. That's worse than Hitler and Stalin combined, if you were to ask me.
He must be really dedicated in his love of certain products to act so derisively of things he knows nothing about.
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