I actually have someone READING THIS.
*Sniff Sniff*
I'm wanted. ;~;
Those who loved E3, say 'HOLY CRAP'
E3 was really good around this year. Sure, it wasn't perfect, *cough*Miyamoto*Cough* but it was damn good.
I'm really excited for LoZ; Skyward Sword. I can't wait to feel like I'm Link, fighting off them Moblin creatures, and actually wearing pants. Although I couldn't help but feel something was... similar. Ya know, Link's on this little place called Skyloft, above this area full of turmoil, which I would have to guess was Hyrule at some point. SOUND SIMILAR? I THOUGHT SO! JUST LIKE THEM CD-i GAMES? AMIRITE? No? Oh....
Besides LoZ, I loved all of the other game revivals. I mean, who isn't looking forward to Goldeneye and Donkey Kong? I know I'm pumped. The 3DS also looked quite cool. I probably wouldn't buy it though if it wasn't for OoT and the new Kid Icarus game coming out for the 3DS. They both look AMAZING. I can't wait for them to come out. NINTENDO, GIVE ME THE DANG ADVANCE COPY!
Now, I didn't keep up to task with the other conferences, but apparently Microsoft failed with the Kinect. I heard that they had people ACTING with the Kinect, not actually using it. I believe em. Why would a black guy pull up Justin Bieber on a radio? Seems... Shifty. (No Racism intended)
Sony did a pretty good job though. Can't go wrong with stuff like God of War 3 and such.
A game I saw that was pretty intense (and not for Wii, dang it) was Vanquish. It looked like a really cool Third Person. I would love to try it out sometime. The fast paced action and guns look amazing. Did I mention you can jack mechs? IS THAT NOT AWESOME?
Anyways, E3 was AMAZING. If you missed it, you better had been wrestling bears.
Anyways, signing off. See ya next FRIDAY BLOG!!!!
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