Sounds like your trying to justify skipping class, just go to class, get you moneys worth.
Skywolfwemaster's forum posts
I would have to agree with you on the main part of your post, but I do like Lil Wayne, his older work was much better than the crap he's been doing lately. But yeah the rap today sucks its all R and B nonsense like Justin Beaver
Alright just because its old does not mean its not good. The game is great, the single player is one of the greatest I have ever played even though its short, dont listen to the MW2 lovers.
my friends house was robbed recently, and he snitched to the police, he suspects one of his friends did it. i was with him the entire time when he was supposedly robbed, but he still thinks i'm suspicious. now, i think he is a fat, snitching tard, and is causing major stress for a lot of people for some damn crap. they didn't even take anything of value. can i just outright refuse to talk to the detective? cooperating with police is against my morals.
Wow, I dont know where to begin with what is wrong with what you posted, calling someone a "snitch" for calling the police is crazy. You must be very young to think something like that, and to not coperate with the police is just asking for trouble.
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