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Games i'm looking forward to in the near future...

PS£:                         Predictions:

Heavenly Sword                     8.3
FF13                                      9.4
GT5                                       8.8
Tekken 6                               8.6
UT07                                     9.0     
The Getaway                          7.7
afrika                                        ?
Naughtey dogs new game           ?
Killzone 2                                 8.8
MGS4                                      9.6
Eight Days                                ?
Eye of Judgement                       ?
F1                                             7.6
DMC4                                      8.7
Eyedentify                                    ?
FF7 remake (hopefully)             10
GTHD free                                8
Warhwak                                 8
Lair                                          7


Crysis                                      9.3
UT07                                      9.0
C&C3                                     9.1
Parabellum                               ?
LOTR: The White Council         ?
Spore                                        8.9
The sims 3 (G/F)                       ?
STALKER                               6.9
Alan Wake                               9.4
GTA4                                       9.7
Assassin's Creed                       9.0
Hellgate: London                       ?
Natural Selection 2                    ?
Armed Assault                           ?
Left4Dead                                 ?
APB                                                        ?
HAZE                                                    ?
Half-life 2: Episode 2                              8.5

Bioshock                                                 9.2
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars     8.7
Project Offset                                   ?