i am bored, mmkay
all ive done 2day is wake up jack off, take a shower, look at some "videos" then i laughed at a kid on youtube cuz he was a **** with no **** life then i spray-painted my hand then i ate a pack of nutter butters and 4 dr peppers while watching the **** history channel then i took a nap now im sooooo bored im telling my 3 friends that i am while drimking dr pepper and eating turkey all the while waiting 4 my xbox wich has been gone for 3 weeks it only took microsoft two days 2 get me the box 4 xbox and 2 days for it to get 2 them after a week of repairing they send it out now its been in ups circulating to china and back again its been 30 minutes away from me for 2 days
i dont care who u are thats **** ridiculous if i was depressed at the start of it i would be dead