well so far http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=4018&Description=8800gt&name=%24200+-+%24300 these seem to be the best. any suggestions?
well mine has a PCI- Express, thanks so much for your help you guys! edit: sorry im a total noob at computers, but its the 8800gt a type of graphics card or a specific brand?
yea, i posted this in the general hardware section, and they told me to come here. Anyway, i can't seem to find which type of video cards my motherboard supports, but i know its the Dell DM051. Thanks in advance
hey, i have approximately 300 USD to spend no a new graphics card. My monitor runs at 1280 x 1024 so it shouldn't be a big price problem. do you guys recommend any certain card???
i've heard some mixed reviews about the Guild Wars expansions, i would like to get one so i have some questions. Does nightall have the classes from factions? or did they swap the factions out for dervish and the other one. Which one has a more populated community? thats all, sorry for the bother...
you and your spam again.... * mutters* oh WOW VS. RS..... in my opinion wow is not really that good. right now im looking for somthing better. at least to me, wow has two types of players. casuals and hardcores. the casuals start to play, get to about 20-30 and quit because its a game where you do the SAME quest over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER again. i got to 22 kinfer person(not real name) and i just said" if i want bad quest spamming games i could go play some crap like FLYFF or SRO or LC!" to me, RS isnt really that bad... though graphically and sound wise RS is crap compared to wow, at least the quest have some difference besides the average "kill 490,000,877 dingbats. when you come back, you can get 2% exp" so personally, i would wait for something really good to come out or find a nice online shooter to settle down with.
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