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SleepyByte Blog

Overdue Blog

I know I have not posted in a while, I truely am busy.

I'm not going to update my profile until I have time to do it properly.

The Cable dude came by today so that's pretty much all I did. We have been having a problem with the sound on ABC for about a month so we finally got around to calling last week. The dude was cool and did a lot of work but no joy. He checked all the lines and put new connectors on everything but the problem still persists. Next step is (whenever we call back that is) they will run a new line from the pole. It was really windy today so I didn't pressure him to do that and personally I don't think it's going to fix the problem anyway.

I spent the day finishing a video game so I'll cut in my gamming blog here.

I finished Uncharted today...

If you don't count Portal... this is the first pure PS3 game I have played all the way through to the credits. I got bored with Assassins Creed although I plan to finish it this week.

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune was a good story. Very old school and entertaining. The gameplay... not so much. Visually stunning? I don't think I would go that far. They traded brown for green and I like that look a lot better. Uncharted is to Assassins Creed what Far Cry is to Call of Duty and I much prefer the vibrant colors to the blah. Over all graphics in all those games is roughly the same and I understand that the war setting should be more drab but then again it's a video game not a simulation. R6 Vegas had the opportunity to change that and was very conservative. They went with red instead of brown with mixed results IMHO. So far I'm still very under whelmed with the PS3. When I get it hooked up to HD it might be more impressive but I seriously doubt it's going to measure up to my laptop, let alone my almost 2 year old gaming rig.

Uncharted is a very good game but not without flaws. Many animations are quirky and it's possible to get stuck behind scenery. Invoking very strange actions such as standing on one leg as if balancing on any edge no matter how high you are is only amusing the first couple of times. More often or not it will cause some error resulting in injury or even death depending on what's going on at the moment. When your trying to move around and figure out where to go, having things and places you sometimes can and sometimes cannot traverse but look exactly the same gets frustrating. It was not horribly annoying but noticeable non the less. It's especially annoying because hidden items are truly hidden and can only be found by a slow flashing light that represents their location. So, your constantly trying to go places you cannot because these are the areas that items can be found. The problem is you can only climb that ledge or squeeze behind that wall if an item is there. It felt very unfair and so I'm going to use a guide to find the ten or so out of sixty items I did not find even after spending several extra frustrating hours on my first run through.

The game is completely linear and tedious searching of every corner for items and ammo is as close to exploration as your going to get. Another thing that was very frustrating is the shooting. In the making of the game video (unlocked for finishing the game) the players targeting rectal clearly changes to red when it's on a target however, this does not happen in the game. It makes getting head shots pure luck unless you have plenty of time to line up your shot and are reasonably close. The other problem with shooting is that very few guns will take down an enemy unless you get that elusive head shot. The entire game is scripted and that's not such a bad thing here because the script is very well done. If you let the game take you where it wants you to go it's quite fun and you do get a sense of adventuring, ala Indiana Jones. The platforming is a lot of fun and really seems like the vision that the makers of pitfall had in their minds when they made that cIassic over Twenty-five years ago. Those portions of the game (and there are a lot of them) are extremely entertaining.

My first play through was a little over fifteen hours and I'm sure would have been around ten if I had not spent so much time wandering around. I'm sure this second run through will be more in the eight to ten hour range. I'm still getting used to shooting with the controller so I wont be rushing.

On that note I've improved quite a bit. Portal was the perfect game to teach the subtleties of right stick look left stick move basic skills. I still enjoy the mouse and keyboard more but at least on the PS3 shooters are becoming less tedious. I think I'm ready to tackle MGS4 but most likely I will play HL2 episode one or Stranglehold first and save the best for later. I've been playing God of War II a little and thought I would run it right through like I did the first one but so far hasn't gotten my juices going.

That's it for today and not much going on tomorrow either, just some packing and maybe get off my butt and go to the gym.

I got hitched!

Well I did it. I got married to the love of my life on 08/08/08 in Las Vegas. Our minister was dressed as, Elvis Presley complete with a big pink Cadillac parked out front and that made it silly and fun. "Elvis" sang three songs and his voice was great! It was a wonderful ceremony and while quite light hearted they still managed to make it very sincere and appropriate. In Las Vegas on 08/08/08 our wedding was just one of over three thousand and there were over a hundred at our chapel alone. They had two or three going on at once both theme and traditional. We had the main chapel and the couple using the Gazebo outside were doing a Pirate wedding of all things. We stayed in a penthouse, we saw The Amazing Jonathan..., we ate at Quarks Bar that is closing next month along with Star Trek Experience and much, much more. Our families and friends stayed for 4-5 days and we stayed for another week after that. I even got to see Wayne Newton. LOL I got home last week and next week I'm flying to her so we can get an apartment together because hers is too small for all my DVD's and computer crap. I'm going to be busy packing and moving over the next month.

On another note, I'm so not liking the new GameSpot profile format. I come home and find this generic garbage? Nice! I spent a lot of time making a custom set up, making templates for pictures and banners and so on and now it's all junk. All my work color matching and formatting is wasted. I'm not sure I'm going to start over. If I do it will not be for a couple of months. When you have a beta it implies that it's not ready but when you release it it's supposed to be done, not a work in progress! I love how when you open your profile or a PM it's still blue and orange. You can't properly align photos on one side with text on the other. You can only see 7 emblems plus your rank unless you click a link and you cant choose what emblems are displayed? WTF? Takes the fun out of earning them if you don't get to see your favorites without clicking on something. I feel like the GameSpot powers that be just decided that it was too hard to make this unique site work so lets just do it the way everyone else does so it's easier. MOOOOOO! follow the herd MoOOooOO! Yeah, don't expect any changes here very quick. I might blank my banner and avatar just out of spite.

I've missed reading all you folks blogs and I'll try to make some time to sneak in and drop a few comments and maybe blog about my move but I honestly think I'm going to be too busy. I doubt I'll be back to my normal blog posting and so on till at least the middle of October. That's all for now.

GameSpot's new format

I just had a look at how my "new" profile will look **after GameSpot implements the new web site design. and I'm sorry to say, I dont like it at all. There is a good chance that when the format changes I will stop using my profile indefinitely if not permanently. It's taken me over a year to learn all the ins and outs of this system and to design for it and I have no intention of learning again. The fact that it looks almost exactly like Giant Bomb does not help. If I wanted to use thier system I would just post there. Time will tell but, at the moment I think the inteneded changes look lame.

**~edited for clarity

Why strive to be irrelevant ?

So I was looking at the page for my new game Stranglehold and I noticed there were 23 user reviews and I thought to myself, (self) that's nice, 23 people thought this game was worth reviewing. And then I started thinking about how many user reviews some other games have and I screamed out in my mind ( ABULLLUBBAHA BLUBBBHHA) WHAT? Ahem... what on earth possesses someone to become the SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FOURTH person to review a game. Seriously? Do you really have anything to add? Ok. For arguments sake lets say .... FIVE HUNDRED people were just knocking out a review so they could have one in their profile..... That still leaves two hundred and fifty people that are? I don't know what. Just stop.

This is not just one game, or games that are great. Or even games that have been around for ages and are timeless. I'm not talking about fanboy fodder like Halo or Sonic, either. I'm talking about everyday games like Condemned that came out in 2005. Condemned was reviewed eleven times in the past month bringing the total review count up to 692. Just stop. Your not impressing anyone and in fact, your admitting to yourself and the rest of the world your irrelevant. Your not irrelevant and your time would be better spent elsewhere. Step up. Stop being a one of the herd. MOOOOOOO.

OK rant over.... whew I do feel better. :D

Look at my now playing!

That's right, my brand spanking new 80 GB PS3 got here today courtesy of a fine Ebay seller who did not rip me off. She earned the $100 Wal-Mart gift card and 20 bucks for her trouble. It got here in perfect condition and included the Wal-Mart cash register receipt. I paid almost exactly as much as I would have at EB Games without the head set. Right now EB has it for $558 + tax and shipping so if you go by that price I paid less. I'm done rambling about that because it doesn't matter I GOT MY PS3! Yay! I'm gonna play a little tonight and plan on not leaving the house this weekend. I'm not going to start MGS4 right away, I'm going with Assassins Creed and I might pick up something used to get my console legs. It's been almost a year since I did any hardcore PS2 gaming. That was August of last year when I knocked out God Of War, DefJam Fight for NY a Tony Hawk game (story mode and partial cIassic mode) in a week. I only played a little here and there on my last couple of trips to Colorado, I mostly played Wii. So no finishing Butcher bay, man I have been lazy with finishing games lately. I'm sure I will make some time for Test Drive Unlimited though because I'm really hooked on that.

Gotta go, game install is done and now the fun begins.

PS3 Canceled. I'm livid

Eb Games canceled my order stating that my credit card did not match the address which is not true. I received no email or phone call and I only found out when I called to find out why it had not shipped. They are sold out and are not expected to be restocked. I ordered on the 6th, received a conformation and nothing after that. No PS3 bundle for me because they are no where to be had. I'm angry.

Shorter blogs?

I guess my blogs are too long for you guys to read so try this one.

I'm playing Butcher Bay for about two hours tonight while I watch Escape From LA that I just purchased today. I know Escape from LA is garbage but it's fun garbage.
;) Tomorrow when I get home I have to vacuum and then I will have ALL night to play uninterrupted.

I'll get back to my normal, long, blogs next time..... maybe...

In keeping with mario_sonic_man , SpinalClash and a few others I have decided to change my sign-off phrase. That's all for now is a little plain so I decided to use a line from Tron. Every time the Master Control Program (MCP) was done talking to the villain Dillinger/sark it would end the conversation with the phrase "end of line". It was really ominous. It would pop up on the terminal screen with the flashing cursor as well. I tried it in green with terminal font but it didn't look right without the black backround.