Well almost, but I'll give it ten minuets :)
Monday sure came and went fast with no Sleepy Blog. I confess, I've been playing games.
I know I said a big blog was coming but I'm going to have to put that off until next Monday because it's only partially completed. I might have one in-between now and then but I promise I will make that deadline. It will be titled something like "Major announcement" although that sounds a bit grandiose so I'll have to think about it. 8) I have a lot going on and things I want to do keep getting pushed down on my priority list by have to do's. I wanted to start Butcher Bay this weekend but I'm going to have to see. I want to have a solid uninterrupted six hours with it and that seems unlikely. I put in some time with R6V last night and I'm sure I'm close to the end. I finished Dante's Casino and moved on but the going got a lot tougher so that hints that the end is near. I'm a single player kind of guy and the realistic setting on R6V promises some good replay value. It would be nice if bad guys re-spawned in different locations but you cant have anything.
On that note it's my understanding that in SWAT 4 enemy's DO re-spawn randomly so I'm looking forward to checking that game out. I hope I like it because if I do it should prove to be many months of fun. That should be here tomorrow along with a bunch of other stuff. I gave away my copy of PREY and ordered the Limited Collectors Edition. A buddy asked to borrow it a while back and since I don't loan out games I said "maybe when I'm done". He is a good friend and it's just been sitting around so I finally just gave it to him. The price was too good to pass up on the collectors edition. All you get is a couple of little pewter figures, an art book and a tin box so I think people that paid extra when the game came out probably felt ripped off. I got it for eighteen bucks + shipping brand new and a Brady game book thrown in for good measure. Amazon has the regular edition for ten dollars so I think I got a fair deal.
That's all for now.