Slick1014 / Member

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Promotions ROCK!!! thanks Deadlyrain92!

I just got made an officer in the The Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, Kingdom Hearts Union by its Leader Deadlyrain92! hurray!!!!

Im also at lvl7 57% and have 104 friends.

speaking of officer positions, Spartan_117_John and i are still looking for officers for a union he is putting together, so far the officers will be Humantorch5445, DaveGamer_05, Gamezmaster18, and myself. we could still use a few more so im asking for your help. click here and post in Spartan's journal that you want to be an officer or pm him and let him know

come on you guys, Deadlyrain92, Ciaxhieu, Spacewars, guys are great officers in other unions, come join this one.

anyone who wants to be an officer and wont slack off can join. i know it seems like im begging (i pretty much am) its just we need a few more people to even get this thing up and running.
