30 Days of Night is bad. Somehow, the director/writers/producers managed to take a fresh idea concerning vampires (how often does that come along?) and turn it into a mindless action movie. I say action because this movie does not qualify as a horror film due to it's frequent missteps and complete avoidance of suspense. When people are dying in the dozens, you get desensitized to it. When vampires are howling with mindless screeches and making cliched errors, you get annoyed with them. When obviously doomed characters die, you die a little inside.
Don't take this review the wrong way. There are a couple of great shots in the movie and the idea itself is brilliant. In that way, it reminds me of communism. In a perfect world it would work, but in the hands of middling fools, it crumbles.
By the way, I finished Zelda: PH (DS). It was awesome. Go buy it, play it, and smile.