I took full advantage of the toysrus deal that was going on and picked up Bioshock, Guitar Hero II (360), and Oblivion: Game of the Year. I already have GH I and II for PS2, but I've been considering upgrading to the 360 version and selling my old PS2 GH games and guitars. Unfortunately, the toyrus I went to didn't have any copies of The Darkness, soI'll have to wait on that one. Can't complain about these great games though, and now I can put my (fake) guitar skills to work in earning me some achievements. I really hope the achievements are retroactive so I don't have to play through on easy, medium, and hard difficulties.
Test on Friday, Halo 3 shipping next week, and my girlfriend coming next weekend so I won't actually be playing any of these games any time soon, but it will be great when I am. As for the cost, well, I've been living like a pauper for two months and the Army owes me over $3000, so I'm not too worried about it. I'm almost sure I'm going to buy an HD-DVD add on for my 360 in the next week to take advantage of the 5 free HD-DVD deal Toshiba has going on. There is also a great little used media shop down the street that has a respectable HD-DVD collection for under $15 each, so I can use that to boost my collection. The price is so low that I'm going to enjoy HD-DVD now and move to Blu-Ray if it wins the format war. Chances are I'll keep buying HD-DVDs even if I get a PS3 (it will be worth it at some point... right? hello?) since Blu-Ray are still overpriced. Anyways, enjoy Halo week everyone!
See you online.