I never quite gave the blog post any proper setup. This is my first video blog so with it comes all of the fun and problems of starting something new. I had to wear my microphone and capture from my digital camera's LCD screen to get the video. I didn't want to have to go to the trouble of attempting to sync up audio and video, plus this let me compress the video on the fly. It actually ended up having very good video quality, but I dropped a lot of frames, especially when the camera moved. I don't think I can do anything about it for the time being as my 5 year old computer is feeling the pain. I'll have a new laptop soon and I'll format this computer and try to get it going strong enough to record at 2.1mbps in 640x480, but no promises. Otherwise I'm gonna need an external capture card for my laptop, which I don't want to pay for. Anyways, back to ebaying.