SlikNik27 / Member

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New Games and Warehouse Goodies

I picked up a few cheapie games this weekend. I got both Brute Force (XBOX) and Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (XBOX) brand new for $4.99 each. You can't beat those prices with a stick. I don't know when I'll get to them, but the price was too good to pass them up. I played a bit of Halo 3 today in an effort to get the Overkill achievement, but I had no luck. Instead I just moved my Lone Wolves level from 28 to 30, which will just make it even harder to get it. Oh well.

Pretty soon I'll be starting to record footage from my game collection for gameplay samples, reviews, and a new feature I will be starting in January. On a side note, I'll be starting Musashi: Samurai Legend (PS2), so I'll fill you in as I go.

As you all know, I was very unhappy with the defective GH3 controller that Red Octane sent me, so I'm exchanging it for a new one. However, I realized that I'll be leaving for Christmas soon and I want to take the controller with me to play with friends and family. In hopes that the warehouse workers will feel the holiday cheer and expedite my controller, I took a page out of Mr. Danny O'Dwyer's playbook and sent some goodies along with the controller. Oreos and Laffy Taffy. Yum yum.

P.S. The note simply says "Happy Holidays!"