Anyone who really knows me, knows I am a man of principles. When I have a strong conviction about something, I will see it through to the end. As such, I am deeply disturbed by all of the rumors pertaining to Jeff's firing. If the rumors are true, I will cancel my GameSpot membership and will no longer trust any of their video game coverage. Gamespot has been my favorite website for years and I do not want to leave; I am comfortable here. However, comfort cannot be an excuse for complacency. If the rumors are true, I will send a message to GameSpot and CNET in the language that all corporations understand.
Fortunately, I am also a man of patience. I will not be hasty in leaving the site that has given so much to me. I want to hear all sides of the story and make a decision based on substance. A simple "no comment" will not suffice GameSpot. The burden of proof is on you; convince me to stay.