Not a fan of the two-tone. It looks like they wanted to make it so different they almost made it into an XBOX controller, but more than half-way through they remembered they're Playstation, so they kept the rest black. The controller will look better in all black honestly. Classics never die. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just make sure the controller has better battery life and a good feel. I'd be interested to know what the grip feels like... Looks a little too slick (probably so they can sell kits).
Never considered much of these games to be a 10, but then I didn't play a lot of these either. I guess it all depends on what personally resonates with you. Here is my list of games or experiences that actually made me feel something truly special and left an imprint:
Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 - Great stories, great characters, great action, great settings, great endings, great everything. Revenge plays all sides, and it's most of all a tragic tale of the reality of what it means to be an outlaw. Has one of the best endings in all gaming or cinematic history, in my humble opinion of course.
GTA: San Andreas - The true GTA experience. It had it all, and when GTA V first came out I was actually underwhelmed by what it had to offer in comparison. Not sure what GTA V is like now though... Haven't played it in like six years, lol. But what I enjoyed most of all about San Andreas, beyond the depth of what was possible in the world, was the characters themselves. The interactions were superb, as in all these games listed.
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - Might not be the best choice/consequence experience, but it has a breadth of exploration near unmatched and the world is fantastic to say the least. For the atmosphere, music, and lore alone, it is worth the 300-hour experience.
The Last of Us - Just had a really great story, and the characters really pulled you into their shoes. The whole daddy/daughter thing was very endearing, and you really feel the grit when they are being swamped by enemies. It's a tale of false hope and what it means to be dependant and human. You'll never get tired of Ellie screaming "JOEL!" lol
Detroit: Become Human - Unparalleled roleplay in terms of choice and consequence. A myriad of different outcomes it seemed. I loved the ongoing debate of whether androids have souls or not, and it really danced around the issue throughout the whole game. Afterall, if it looks like a duck, talks like a duck, acts like a duck, does that make it the genuine article? And if so, what are the moral implications of that?
Yakuza 0 - How can I say this? Yakuza is a surprisingly deep series, and this iteration in particular, really hits you in the feels. This is probably the best story in the whole Yakuza anthology. The world is dense, the action is great, and the mini-games are legion, but what really matters is the characters and the story, and this breaks the house in spades.
Mass Effect Trilogy (specifically Mass Effect 2) - The quintessential roleplaying experience, but in space. Everybody knows this, but this is one epic journey. Barring the ending which nullified a lot of your past decisions, this series is, quite frankly, legendary. 'Nuff said?
Life is Strange 1 and Before the Storm - I know a lot of people don't consider story-based indies to be proper games, because the gameplay is limited, but this game (or "experience" if you prefer) and its pre-sequel are truly something special in my opinion. There's an undeniable magic outlined in their development, and you can see it in the characters, feel it in the voice-acting, and experience it in the interactions. Everything from the music, the settings, the issues being dealt, etc, it's all great stuff. Now, BtS is not quite as good I'd say as Season 1, but taken as a package experience (which it really should be) BtS becomes much more meaningful and hearfelt once you realize who Rachel Amber really is and what she meant to Chloe; it makes the original SO much better. I really wish Max and Chloe would return for Season 3... (hint hint)
Anyway, those are my personal picks. You're encouraged to disagree, because there's a lot of other great games out there that I didn't mention, and yet others which I have never played that I hear are good too... Feel free to tell me yours down below if you're so inclined.
@JustPlainLucas: Hey, if holding to a certain viewpoint and sticking to my proverbial guns about my principles makes me a bigot, well bigot me up then. :)
But aren't you being bigoted as well when you tell people "learn to deal with it?" lol C'mon, look in the mirror bruh. smh
Just accept that other people have altering worldviews from your own. I don't have to buy their product, and neither should I have to 'learn to deal with it'. I'm not forcing my agenda down other people's throats at the tip of a receipt, so what's the big deal?
In a true, worldwide survival situation, I doubt it would be allowed because of the need to produce more babies to sustain humanity. I mean, I guess it is one thing to be bi and have a polygamous relationship between a man and another woman, but to be exclusively gay makes zero sense in this kind of apocalyptic scenario, whether male or female. Humanity would need to be breeding as much as possible to not only match and replace the number of people dying on a daily basis but to actually surpass that ratio so they could grow again.
Beyond that, I don't really care if Ellie is gay or not, but I guess it was the way in which it was presented to the audience in a very in-your-face, 'accept this or don't buy the game' kind of a way. I get the media is trying to normalize and boost the LGBT agenda, but still, I found it a distasteful display nonetheless because, of all the things to show about how Ellie has grown, they chose that particular aspect of Ellie - her sexuality - to highlight in overt fashion, as if that's really the only thing that matters amongst the chaos. lol
Erm, I guess Part 2 will probably be a fantastic game, but, I will not be hopping on board. The industry is already a sickly host for facilitating hardcore SJW propaganda; I do not think I want to support yet another product rife with it. That's just my take on it. Ya'll are free to do what you want.
The voice acting and the entire structure of the game were meant to emulate the originals as much as possible and evoke a sense of nostalgia. That's why it's the way it is. What this reviewer ignores is that Shenmue 3 was made for the fans, not for modern gamers in 2019. If you're going to judge the game, you have to judge it by both standards at least to be fair, not simply writing it off because it does not conform to the modern era. That's why the user rating is considerably higher than the mainstream critic rating, both here and on Metacritic (for the PS4). Fans and users, in general, understand the distinction and context, whereas mainstream reviewers, it seems, expect or require a more updated experience to allow for a higher rating.
Slinqy's comments