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SlorgieNel Blog

birthday games!

Mwahaha, so it was my birthday yesterday and I got a bunch of awesome games! Super Mario 64 DS, Yoshi's Island DS, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate and The World Ends With You. Yes, all for DS. I seem to have tapped the collection of PSP games that I want for now, hence why I'm going back to collecting the old-but-good DS games.

FFCC:RoF is seriously a great game. Just what I wanted in an RPG! Half puzzle, half action, no random battles or grinding... zomg! I play it 24/7 now. Can't wait to finally beat it!

TWEWY is.. cracktastic, to say the least. Yoshi's Island is insanely difficult but rewarding to beat. I haven't really got into SM64 DS yet, but I will soon. Now that my sumer work term is finished, I sit at home all day and play my games. Even when school starts, I have S/S/M/F and W morning off. Go French major? :D

PSP Madness~

Okay, so I finally kicked the Maple habit (I should really lock myself out of that account) and got back on my PSP. Not only am I playing old games I've been meaning to beat- for example, The Legend of Heroes: Song of the Ocean- but I'm adding to my collection. In the past few weeks, I've found great deals on copies of Patapon ($20), LocoRoco ($20 used), Gurumin ($15), God of War ($35 used) and Monster Hunter Freedom ($10 used). I can't wait to start playing most of them! I'm pretty far in LocoRoco and just starting GoW, but I need to make time to really try the rest. Until then, must beat LoH: SotO!

I also cleaned up my list of games and added my new ones, as well as rated or re-rated games in my collection (I gave Ys a 9.6?! Seriously?!) and cleaned up my union list. I love my little corner of Gamespot so I figured it should be shiny ;D

Well, back to work! Need money to buy more games :D

My Return!

Okay, so I'm back. After fighting addictions to both web design and MapleStory, I have returned to the glorious world of handheld gaming. The inspiration? My friend just got a PSP! Now we can play multiplayer together and everything :D

I added all of my PSP and DS games to my games list, as well as some tracked games. Only PSP and DS because those are the only systems I really game on- that, and I didn't feel like adding the 50 million Sims expansions I own XD As you can tell from the list, although I tend to pick mainstream games, I also pick ones that interest me even if they got a low rating.

I'm going to try to keep this updated to track all of my stuff, so wish me luck~