ive heard a rumor going around that wiis are going down to $180 each. Is there any truth in this?? Nintendo already sells more wii consoles than ps3 or xbox 360, so why lower he price? if this is true i should have waited a little longer. im just seeing if this rumor can be verified. Thanks!
Ie been plaing a lot of resistance online latel and im lookig for good sniping spots. I found a couple, like on the battleship and at Manchester, but where else? Dont post your best spot, you can keep it to yourself, but im still curious about less well known spots.
voice chat wille an essential for nintendoafter a few more online games come out, or if (i doubt it) a patch comes out for some of the games like COD3 or something.
i can see how people may ir may not want motion sensing, but it kind of eliminates the purpose of the wii. It is suppose to be a new generation of gaming that gets you off the couch. I dont have a problem with it, but i agree that no motion sensing is better that poor motion sensing.
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