Well, Sort of. Ho hum. Im officially on Work Experience. Its one weeks work that every british student has to do, to help get them a "taste of work". I normally wouldnt mind, but i dont get paid for it and I have to go work up in london with my mum. Unf.
Still, its not all bad. Im working from home tomorrow helping to set up the works Mail Server, so at least i can do it at home, and scince i ordered Rome: Total War on Saturday, it sould arrive tomorrow with any luck so i'm here to sign for it. Yay ^-^
Still, weird thing happened comming home today. My train was pulling into the station with me on it when some naked guy jumped onto the track in front of it and started running down the line. He must have been off his face, really, but at least he was'nt splatted. That would have meant even more delays.
Anyway, im gonna have less time to get to the computer this week, so less blogging and MSNing. Hohum.
...daim im updating my blog more than usual xD