I'm not that old (I'm only 16) but I've been an PC gamer since I was 5 years old and I have so many memories to share. Frankly the current generation of games is one of the worst for me. I had so much more fun with PS2 than I have now with my PS3. There's too much controversy surrounding games, too much greed by certain companies, incomplete games, lacking single-player experiences, PC is being slowly cast away from the industry, saturated games with overused formulas repeating themselves over and over again, horrible companies making money out of uninformed casual gamers meaning hardcore gamers get less good games, if at all and so much more. All the people I see telling that graphics are all that matter, I'd really like to punch in the face. Is the indusrty dying, for me? No. Not yet. But it's well on it's way of becoming like the movie and music industry, and that's something I would rather not happen. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys have planned about VG history. I think I know a lot about the history of games but let's see what you guys have to say about that!
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