My updated case against Barack Obama.
by SmashBrosLegend on Comments
First of all, he's never accomplished anything. He's been a senator for three years, and has spent two of them campaigning for president. Sure, he's sponsored numerous bills, but name me a senator that hasn't. Most of the time his work in the Senate has been nothing more than signing his name on a bill, rather than drafting bills himself and bringing about “change”. Then there's the whole Iraq thing. He said he would have all of the troops home within 18 months of getting into office. That basically says "Just wait it out, insurgency. We'll be gone soon, and you can have the country". Leaving the country in its current state would cause more damage to the region than we would if we stayed there twenty more years (not that we should). The loss of life would be substantial, but Obama doesn't care. He's simply capitalizing on the fact that the war is unpopular at the moment. What most people don't realize is that this war has the smallest death toll for US soldiers of any prolonged military conflict. One of Obama's campaign platforms is the fact that he didn't vote for the war. That's because he wasn't a national senator yet, not because he had the foresight to see that it may be more difficult that we initially thought. He said that he would send troops into Pakistan without their consent to pursue Al Qaeda. Pakistan said doing so could cause them to take military action against us, and Obama wouldn't back down from his statements. So, he wants to end a war that we have no business ending and potentially start another. Does anyone see the problem here? Of course, none of these statements get much air time because everyone is so caught up in his rhetoric garbage. How about universal health care? Universal health care kills hospitals. I agree that better health insurance should be made available at better prices, but universal health care is a ridiculous idea. The overwhelming majority of our doctors come from Southeast Asian countries. Why do they come here? Because it offers them a chance to succeed. But a socialist health care system removes incentive for the individual to excel because pay is regulated by the government. Even in some developed countries with universal health care, there is such a doctor shortage that people are dying in hospital waiting rooms because they have to wait to be seen in an emergency room. Not to mention the fact that the amount of taxes you'd pay per year to support such a system would outweigh the cost of the medical problems the average person will have in a given year. According to the 2004 US Census, only 15.4% of US citizens were without health insurance. Why is it my responsibility to pay for someone else's problems? If your life is in danger, you can't legally be turned away from an emergency room. His ideas on gun control are ridiculous as well. Making certain guns illegal won't solve the problem. You're only taking these weapons away from law abiding citizens. People who are willing to use a gun to kill someone are damn sure willing to violate a simple gun law. Think about it: cocaine is illegal. Does that stop people from getting their hands on it? And then we have his lines, like "No more Washington politicians in Washington!" He's a Senator. That makes him a Washington politician. He works in Washington, and there's nothing in his voting record that sets him apart from the likes of Hillary Clinton or Ted Kennedy. Barack Obama's former pastor and mentor, Jeremiah Wright, is noted by many for placing black people on a higher level than white people. He is a black elitist. He is also noted for his constant praise of Louis Farrakhan, a noted racist, homophobe, and anti-Semite. Wright has presented this man with awards and travelled to Libya with him. Farrakhan publicly endorsed Obama, and even though Obama rejected it the link remains. Obama got the title for one of his books from Wright, and even once considered having the man announce his candidacy. Here are some quotes from Farrakhan: "White people are potential humans; they haven't evolved yet." "Murder and lying comes easy for white people." Farrakhan's mentor was Elijah Muhammad, who had such memorable quotes as: "Blacks were born righteous and turned to unrighteousness, while the white race was made unrighteous by the god who made them." This man considered himself "the savior of the holy black race" and crusaded against Christianity. Obama is also on friendly terms with William Ayers, a former member of the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist group who has bombed U.S. government buildings and even tried to carry out an attack on the Pentagon. Ayers has even gone on record saying that not only does he have no regrets, but feels he didn't do enough. Obama still maintains his friendship with the man. Friends with a man who said that he should have done more to bomb the Pentagon. Barack Obama has the most liberal voting record of any Senator. He is pretty much a Socialist. He advocates government expansion and taking away personal liberties. If you plan on voting for Barack Obama, at least know what you're getting yourself into.