You people seriously need to stop dogging an unfinished game. There was nothing wrong with what was shown. I could understand if it was released as it is, but it hasn't been, nor prolly will.
Most of you complain because "we want new games" or "better third party support" which is understandable. (directed towards Wii/PS3/Xbox360 owners alike)You watching a trailer from an unfinished/ low quality (small) clip and already rip/decide the game is going no where our/Nintendo's problem lies with third parties. This is one dev that is actually trying to give us something we haven't seen yet in terms of graphics/gameplay wise (genre), and it's "terrible looking" or "controls aren't spot on". (which is irrelivant since you're not even controlling it).
MP3 (finished game)
The Conduit (trailer, obviously unfinished)
you can not tell me that The Conduit is not compareable to MP3 (Nintendo/Retro's highly famed series). I'm by no means saying MP3 looks terrible, nor am I saying it's a bad game. But The Conduit does, and will look good/better finished. Besides, Retro already had an engine designed to handle MP3, and most likely just "enhanced" it slightly allowing the controls to be the main focus. The controls will be the desiding factor for myself, and most likely tons of people. The game looking as it is...shows they have created, and will release a quality product. I give them props for doing what they already have done, and consider a lot of you ignorant.
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