So what has been up in my life? Well, a lot of things. First off i have started off a Youtube Channel. I have gotten a Blue Snowball Microphone and a Elgato HD Cap Card. I am currently uploading 3 videos a day. 1 of them being a daily recording. The others being Let's Plays. I also have been streaming here and there when the opportunity arises. The only thing is my channel has kind of frozen as far as views or subs. I'm not going to complain, it's what ever here and there. But, i do get some very awesome constructive criticism and compliments that makes me smile. There was a small time i was partnered with a company. But, that shall not be mentioned as i was unfortunately dealt the shaft. Things have been amazing though. I have met sooo many people! Youtubers that i never thought i would or so on and so forth. DayZ was my go to game and helped me grow quite a lot. I think it would be important to get back into it. I had taken a brake for awhile from streaming and lost my viewer count. Now i am focusing more of my time on youtube though i tend to stream here and there. Everything so far has been a awesome learning experience. One i don't think i would ever trade anything for. I hope everything works out in the end. We will see how everything goes from here and now on. Anyways just a small update again. I feel like this is a good log to just keep seeing where i was or what i was doing from time to time. It's nice to reflect or re-read some of my old post. Hope you all have a good day. - Smash_Masta05/LokeTsu ;)
Smash_Masta05 Blog
Whats Up
by Smash_Masta05 on Comments
So lately i have been playing LoL. It has been the basic attention for my interests. I am still saving for gaming PC and HD PVR. I am not sure what i wan't to get first. I want a Gaming PC. But, yet i want to get started on youtube. With the HD PVR i could start doing lets plays of all the games i own already. But, i lack memory on my pc and it take awhile just to render 1 video. I need both to function. But, i am just so excited and want to get started and keep making videos. Its hard now to make videos due to the lack of games i can play on my pc. Its also pretty hard to keep up on rendering due to the low ram and proccessing on my laptop. But, once i get a cap card and gaming PC i will be set and start my journey into youtube. Hopefully i can make a living out of it. I have a lot of good ideas and feel they could help me and the community as far as gaming and such. I want to make it a proffesion not just cause i like games. But, i would like help develope games into a better future. Hopefully this will be starting soon. But, for now i will have to be patient and wait until i get enough. So until then i will take my leave on this note.
June 7th E3 2012!!!!
by Smash_Masta05 on Comments
WOW! The games look amazing. So many games i will need to save money for! Games that caught my eye Elder scrolls online, Medal of Honor warfighter, and Borderlands. Those are just some that i looked at. I am still going to look at many others as well. This year will be JAM PACKED with videogames! I am very excited. I have been looking forward to playing them and making some Lets Plays! So i will continue to throw my 2 cents in during the E3 expo. Hope you all are enjoying it as much as i am!
June 5th Level 13
by Smash_Masta05 on Comments
So i have been a lil busy lately doing things. School and other stuff ect. I am now level 13 "Toobin" Thats pretty cool. Ever since chilling with my friends last weekend i have been up all night sleeping until late afternoon. Its a really weird schedule. I need to get a HD PVR or Work for my Computer real soon or this summer will be boring as **** I am already bored as it is. I need to something to work toward or i will be sitting at home watching The Office all day long like i have been. I have seen this game called ARMA II it looks really good. I have seen this mod called DAY Z for it check it out if you haven't! This is like a LEGIT ZOMBIE GAME!!! I want this so bad. This will be the 1st thing i ever do a Recording of on PC when i get a gaming PC. There is about 50 people per server and it has about 700 zombies. You have to SURVIVE by ANY MEANS NESSESARY. The zombies will kill you and some of the people might as well. You start of with limited supplys. A gun a water bottle some bullets some food and maybe some flares depends. You will need to scavange houses and citys for items you can use. Some people that have played the game for a bit have some good items already so you could always fight against them for there goods. You can find broken cars and find parts to fix the cars to drive around. There is so much to this game i can literaly not tell you eveything. This game is insane. Watch a gameplay of the first game of someone playing you will see how insane this game is.
D & B
by Smash_Masta05 on Comments
Just got back from Dave and Busters. I was there with my friends hunter, and pat. It was really fun. Right now i am playing Metal Gear Solid Hd Collection. Pwning the crap out of stuff on Sons of Liberty one of the best metal gears in my opinion. We will we up all night gaming recking people. I am also looking for a catchy name for my new youtube name. Example of famous ones Swifty, Athene, Nova, Sp00n, and Kootra. Just something that sounds cool and is unique. So if anyone has any ideas it would be more then greatful.
Interview yesterday
by Smash_Masta05 on Comments
I had my interview yesterday. In my opinion it went VERY well. I Think i will get the job. I was told that she would call sometime during the week if i got the job. I am not worried or stressing about not getting. I would answer the questions and sometimes we would get off topic and talk about something else lol. It was kinda like we were friends. So i feel no worry about it. Now i can start saving up money to get my Gaming Pc. But, i will have to rebuild since my old build i picked out was only 2,400 dollars.... So i will try to get one around 1,000 maybe 1,500. So i will start my build and research now. I hopefully in the future will get sponsored by Razer which could be really cool.
by Smash_Masta05 on Comments
Monday i got a interview to get a job. My first job woot! Finally i can start saving money. My steps to getting all my things :D. I will most likely get a HD pvr first so i can make some things and get a feel with it and figure everything out. But, it all depends what i think about doing.
The Weekend of BF3
by Smash_Masta05 on Comments
I will be playing BF3 ALL WEEKEND LONG. If you wish to play with me GT (TheHackersUnltd) xbox* I have finished school for the week. I must relax and Pwn Sum Nooblits. Sniper prefection weekend here i come.
Going to become more active.
by Smash_Masta05 on Comments
I have been thinking and doing plenty of things. I want to become someone who gets there income over youtube. Btw if i randomly stray off topic its because i am watching silent hill. Note* one of my favorite movies. Well, continuing with what i was saying. I want to become someone who does video on youtube for a living. I have 21 subscribers i have been doing a Lets Play of Half Life 2 for right now. I will be starting my job hopefuly next week. In gaining income i hope to purchase a Audio Techinca Mic, a HD PVR recorder for games since i got a BAJILLION video games lol. Note* I have not updated my list in about 2 years so yeah. I am hoping to go in it with a few friends and hope play videogames for a living exciting :). I have just in the recent week bought Battlefield 3. No diablo 3 for me due to my dumb computer. Note* i also want to build a gaming PC with the income from my job. But, i have beaten the campaign. I must admit i do like it more then the Call of Duty's campaign. Battlefield has established a place in my heart for BF games in the future. I would recommend it to anyone that like FPS games.
Youtube. TheModdersUnltd
if you want to check it out. :)
Updates :D
by Smash_Masta05 on Comments
Okay, So MW3 is soon to come out on 8th. I have been inactive on the xbox for along time. I have not played xbox since april due to hardware problems and the discontinue of the warranty. I have been following BF3 and MW3 and it was a hard choice to pick 1 but i have come to the conclusing the MW3 is gonna be big and BF3 is gonna be big so i am gonna have to get 1 or the other. I picked MW3 for 1 reason only. The LImited Edition Xbox 360. Comes with 2 Limited edition controllers, 320GB HHD, Limited edition custom paint job on the xbox. Also play Call of Duty sounds when turning on & off and ejecting and closing the console. I have been waiting to get a xbox and this is by far the best thing to get. I am sorta disapointed they did not make a Custom Kinnect cause that would make a def buy in my book. Especially with the up and coming game Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. But for know we will have to deal with the crap BLACK Kinnect. But if they start coming out with new and better game for the xbox then i will for sure by a kinnect. I know they are supposed to update the xbox dashboard Nov. 15th to make it more kinect read. With Speach compatibility. I am excited and am most deffinantly looking forward to this amazing update. But for now i must train until my call of duty skills are at peek. I must get ready for kicking some RECRUITER @#%! and Twitter TheModderUnltd hit me up and follow me. Later.
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