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Okay, So MW3 is soon to come out on 8th. I have been inactive on the xbox for along time. I have not played xbox since april due to hardware problems and the discontinue of the warranty. I have been following BF3 and MW3 and it was a hard choice to pick 1 but i have come to the conclusing the MW3 is gonna be big and BF3 is gonna be big so i am gonna have to get 1 or the other. I picked MW3 for 1 reason only. The LImited Edition Xbox 360. Comes with 2 Limited edition controllers, 320GB HHD, Limited edition custom paint job on the xbox. Also play Call of Duty sounds when turning on & off and ejecting and closing the console. I have been waiting to get a xbox and this is by far the best thing to get. I am sorta disapointed they did not make a Custom Kinnect cause that would make a def buy in my book. Especially with the up and coming game Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. But for know we will have to deal with the crap BLACK Kinnect. But if they start coming out with new and better game for the xbox then i will for sure by a kinnect. I know they are supposed to update the xbox dashboard Nov. 15th to make it more kinect read. With Speach compatibility. I am excited and am most deffinantly looking forward to this amazing update. But for now i must train until my call of duty skills are at peek. I must get ready for kicking some RECRUITER @#%! and Twitter TheModderUnltd hit me up and follow me. Later.