So lately i have been playing LoL. It has been the basic attention for my interests. I am still saving for gaming PC and HD PVR. I am not sure what i wan't to get first. I want a Gaming PC. But, yet i want to get started on youtube. With the HD PVR i could start doing lets plays of all the games i own already. But, i lack memory on my pc and it take awhile just to render 1 video. I need both to function. But, i am just so excited and want to get started and keep making videos. Its hard now to make videos due to the lack of games i can play on my pc. Its also pretty hard to keep up on rendering due to the low ram and proccessing on my laptop. But, once i get a cap card and gaming PC i will be set and start my journey into youtube. Hopefully i can make a living out of it. I have a lot of good ideas and feel they could help me and the community as far as gaming and such. I want to make it a proffesion not just cause i like games. But, i would like help develope games into a better future. Hopefully this will be starting soon. But, for now i will have to be patient and wait until i get enough. So until then i will take my leave on this note.
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