One of the constants in life is endings, it may sound sad but it is one of the many constants. For a gamer there are many endings and a lot of the time you might not even notice because you're eager to move onto the next generation of games and consoles as the older generation reaches it's end.
All good things and all that.
With the X-Box 360 and PlayStation 3 nearing the end of their generations, the Wii having reached it's end a few years ago and the Wii U regarded to be close to it's end as well although it's still going to this day even though it doesn't exactly have a massive release list then I feel like writing about my own goodbyes to previous generations and my hellos to those generations.
It will pass the time for me.
Okay, let's see how good my memory is:
First video game played – Granny's Garden, Spectrum ZX, around 1984/1985.
This was my introduction to gaming over thirty years ago and the only game I ever actually played on the Spectrum, so it was both my hello and goodbye.
Atari 2600: Pac-Man and Crystal Castles.
I didn't play on the Atari until around 1986 or so and Pac Man was my first game on the system, at that time I didn't know about the video game industry crash of that time, all I knew was that here was something new for me to try. I didn't know that the NES was the newest console out at that time.
I still like Pac Man to this day, well the actual arcade versions that I can play online. The Atari version was pretty rubbish.
The last game I played on the Atari 2600 was Crystal Castles, very tough game and I never did finish it.
Amstrad 464+: Burning Rubber and R-Type 1
Around 1989/1990, my mum bought a computer to help her with her college studies since she was applying to college at that time since me and my younger siblings were at the school point of our lives, my sister was the youngest of the three of us and she began school around 1990 or so, I was entering my teen years at that time – hated them heavily – and I was sent to a school up in the Scottish Highlands, it was a place for children with special needs and it was felt I would be better off there due to my violent temper and obvious problems.
The first game I played on the Amstrad was Burning Rubber, it was included with the computer itself, and I played it a fair bit but never got far in it. It was a racing game with the view being behind the car, which was pretty common in those days of racing games, and it was challenging.
I played a lot of games on that system.
The last game I played on that system was R-Type 1, a side scrolling space shooter that I wouldn't finish until 2007 on another system.
Master System: Alex The Kidd and Sonic 1
The first game I played on the Master System in 1990, if I recall correctly, was Alex The Kidd. Hated it then and still have no love for it now. I just couldn't play it very well.
My final game on that system was my favourite game on the entire system, Sonic The Hedgehog 1. That game was the first console game I ever completed in 1991 and in 1997 it was the final game I played and completed on the system, I still have fond memories of that game.
Mega Drive/Genesis: Sonic 1 and Phantasy Star 4
My first game on the Mega Drive, or Genesis as it was called in the US, was Sonic The Hedgehog 1. I managed to sneak in some gaming time since the other kids I was at school with in the Highlands at that time felt that because I was poor that I was inferior and therefore too stupid and useless at video games, they didn't know that I had been gaming for almost a decade before then.
Imagine their surprise when I was completing games they couldn't in front of them, they thought it was just luck, it wasn't. I already knew how to game and I was learning a little more each time I got to game.
I was introduced to RPG's via the Mega Drive with Shining In The Darkness as well.
My final game on the Mega Drive was in 1997 with Phantasy Star 4, I completed the game and it felt like a true fitting end for me with the system. That was a pretty tough game and it took me a while to finish it.
When the ending credits starting rolling and the music came on I knew I had reached the end of my time with the system.
Super Nintendo: Mario Kart and Secret Of Evermore
Mario Kart was my introduction to the SNES in the early 1990s, not sure of the exact year. As usual I had to plead to get the chance to play it due to the attitudes of the other kids.
They hated playing against me due to my beating them so often.
My final game on the system would be Secret Of Evermore in 1997 shortly after finishing Phantasy Star 4 on the Mega Drive. I didn't really care much for Evermore to be honest, I had pushed myself to get to the end and by the time I finished it I found myself feeling no desire to continue gaming on the SNES, my time with the system was over.
Gameboy: Tetris and Pokemon
The first game I ever played on the original Gameboy was in 1990 with Tetris, a fun game that I enjoyed quite a lot. I played a lot of games on that handheld with some being pretty memorable – Link's Awakening, Mario Land 1 and 2 and a puzzle game about a bubble springing to mind.
I still enjoy playing Tetris today although on the X-Box One.
My final game on the Gameboy would be around 2000 or so with Pokemon Red, sadly I didn't get long with the game since my copy of it was given away to someone else without my permission.
Gameboy Colour: Zelda: Season Of Ages
My first and last game on the Gameboy Colour would be Zelda: Season Of Ages, although I had a few other games on the system, I was already beginning to tire of handhelds by then and I didn't have the Gameboy Colour for very long, only a few years.
I never did finish Season Of Ages.
Game Gear: Sonic 1 and Donald Duck – Lucky Dime Caper
My introduction to the Game Gear was around 1991 or so with Sonic 1, I liked the game and came close to completing it only to have the system taken from me by the other kids I was at school with, they didn't like that someone as 'inferior and worthless' as me was better at gaming than them.
I finally completed that game a few years later.
My final game on the system was Donald Duck – Lucky Dime Caper. It took me about a day or so to finish it and I enjoyed it, it was a short game with a slight challenge and it felt like a fitting end for me with the system since just as I finished the game the handheld died due to dead batteries.
Nintendo Entertainment System: Super Mario Bros 1 and Jurassic Park
I didn't get to play a NES much but I did manage to play a few games on it when I got the chance, my brother had one in the early 1990s with a few games. Super Mario Bros 1 was my introduction to the system and I never finished it, in fact I never managed to complete a single NES and SNES Mario game despite trying to often.
Jurassic Park would be my final game with the system, it took some time but I managed to complete it. Tough game.
Playstation 1: Soul Blade and Final Fantasy 9
In 1997 I managed to buy myself a PS1 and my first game would be Soul Blade, I had been interested in for months before hand and I liked the game, even finished the story mode with all of the characters.
Sadly, to my anger, it was traded for Cool Boarders 1 while I was away at college a few months later. I was pretty annoyed to say the least, hated Cool Boarders.
My final game with the PS1 would be around 2000 or so with Final Fantasy 9, I didn't care much for the game to be honest and when I finished it I was pretty much ready to move on from the system. I loaned it out and never got the machine back from the person I had loaned it to, not exactly the way I would have liked to say goodbye.
Nintendo 64: Mario 64 and Majora's Mask
Around 1998/1999, not exactly sure when, I managed to buy an N64 and I didn't have much games for it the entire time I had it. Mario 64 would be my first game on the system and I managed to complete it after about a year, I have horrible hand eye coordination and the game fairly tested my limits a lot.
With constant effort and determination though I managed to complete the game 100% and I never want to play it again, that clock stage was pure evil.
In 2001, about three months before the end of the year, my final game on the system would be Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I borrowed it since I was unsure about the game. I managed to finish the game at the end of September and returned it to the person I borrowed it from, my time with the N64 came to an end at that time.
Playstation 2: Grand Theft Auto 3 and Ace Combat Zero
Sadly my introduction to the PS2 would be Grand Theft Auto 3, a game I hated then and hate today. I really can't stand Rockstar's games so it wasn't a good introduction to the system for me.
I did finish it and since at the time I was going through a very rough patch I forced myself to play more of their games, a form of punishment to myself at the time by being exactly what society wanted – a miserable, suicidal 'male' who saw no hope and no future, yay for finally accepting myself in late 2008.
I refuse to ever play another Rockstar game.
My final game on the system would be Ace Combat Zero in 2006, I had been playing the series for the past year by then after finishing off the .Hack games that had come around that time. It was a fun game and by the time I finished it I was ready to say goodbye to the PS2.
Original X-Box: Knights Of The Old Republic 1 and Jade Empire
I'll say this right now, I am not fond of Star Wars. I find it boring and tedious so I had my doubts about Knights Of The Old Republic when I was asked to give it a try in late 2004.
I got a very nice surprise with it, it turned out to be exactly what Star Wars should be with a strong story line, excellent characters and actual thought required. I had a great time with the game and it would also be the first time I ever got to create my own character in a game, so I made the woman I am as my character.
It was refreshing for me to finally be able to play as female after so many years of male lead only games, I ended up buying my own X-Box not long after starting the game for the first time since I had borrowed the machine and the game for a couple of days.
Such an excellent game.
My final game with the system was Jade Empire around early 2006, a short but interesting game that I had enjoyed a fair bit. When I finished it for what must have been the fourth time or so I was ready to upgrade to the new generation.
Gamecube: Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon: It's A Wonderful Life
I managed to get a Gamecube around 2003 and my first game on it before I bought Windwaker would be Animal Crossing, an interesting if ultimately dull game. By the time I got Windwaker I had finished my time with Animal Crossing.
Windwaker was a lot of fun.
My final game on the Gamecube would be around 2007 with Harvest Moon: It's A Wonderful Life. I had very few games for the system during the time I had it and I had tried to reinvigorate my interest in the system with Harvest Moon.
It failed since I was really fed up of male leads by then.
Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure 1 and Skies Of Arcadia
Around 2000 I managed to get a Dreamcast with one game, Sonic Adventure 1. I didn't like the game much but it would be the only game I would actually own for it the entire time I had it until 2003.
I did finish it 100% and when I was done I was glad to be done with the game, it was terrible.
My final game, as such, with the system before it was stolen from me by a former neighbour shortly after I moved into where I live now would be Skies Of Arcadia around 2002/2003, an interesting game that had some good ideas. By the time I finished it though my time with the Dreamcast was nearing it's end and a few months later the machine would be stolen from me with it's one game.
X-Box 360: Oblivion and Dragon Age Inquisition
Around early 2006 I would be introduced to the 360 in full with Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. I had seen someone else playing it before then and I managed to get a chance to borrow the system and the game for about a week.
I played the game to it's end and enjoyed it a lot, after returning the system and game to the person I had borrowed it from I bought my own system around late 2006/early 2007.
I've had a lot of memories – good and bad – with the system since then.
Last year, in 2015, I reached the end of my time with the 360 with the completion of Dragon Age Inquisition, of course that was before I found out that the 360 version would not be getting any more support.
I guess in many ways it was a fitting end to my time with the system and I'll be sad to say goodbye to it in full.
I've played so many games on it for close to a decade, longer in total than any other system I've played on since the 1980s. My 360 console is sadly on it's last legs and doesn't work too well, eventually it will be retired in full and I have to say that I'll be sad to say goodbye.
So many memories on it.
Playstation 3: Beyond Two Souls and Okami HD
I was given an old Playstation 3 in late 2014 and I didn't actually play anything on it very much to warrant as a first game until I bought a game of interest for me, Beyond Two Souls.
That game had me close to tears although that might have also been the hormone replacement therapy beginning to gradual break down the emotional block in me.
I enjoyed it quite a lot.
Okami HD is looking to be my final game on the system, I haven't played it much and I would like to resume with it soon once I can focus enough. I think Okami HD is going to be a fitting goodbye to the system for me.
Gameboy Advance: Advance Wars And Harvest Moon: More Friends Of Mineral Town
I bought a Gameboy Advance SP around 2005 or so and while it's had a reasonable amount of play it hasn't had as much as the original Gameboy did with me. My first game I played on it on was Advance Wars, an interesting little strategy game that was pretty fun. I didn't play it much though.
My final game was Harvest Moon: More Friends Of Mineral Town for a total time of around three hours, I think that was back in 2012 or so. I've not played the system since so I guess I've retired it.
Nintendo DS: Nintendogs and Dragon Quest 9
I bought the DS back in 2005 since I was interested in it. The first game I got and played on it was Nintendogs, I played it a fair bit but grew tired of it after a month.
The final game was Dragon Quest 9 back in 2014, I still have the original first Generation DS I got back in 2005. I haven't played the game since getting, I think, about half way. I liked what I had played but I have become tired of handheld gaming completely now.
Nintendo Wii: Wii Sports And Harvest Moon: Tree Of Tranquillity
Around 2008 or so I bought a Nintendo Wii out of curiosity and the first game I played on it was Wii Sports, I didn't do very well in it due to my poor hand eye coordination.
My final game on it was around 2012/1013 with Tree Of Tranquillity, I have had very few games on the system and I was interested in this game. I've played it a fair bit but with my lack of coordination struggling with the control method for the game then I've not been able to get the most time out of the game.
The motion controls, for me, spelled the end of my time with the system around that time and I've not played it since. I'm not a fan of motion controls and the Wii's motion controls were just a painful experience for me.
Last year, around September, I upgraded to an X-Box One and I'm interested to see what kind of experiences and memories I'll get with it over the coming years. Maybe one day, if I can, I might also go for a PS4 and maybe a Wii U or this Nintendo NX, maybe I'll go for a 3DS. I'm not sure.
Many of the systems I've gone for since 2006 have been done via expensive mail order so it's always lest me in debt, so I try to get my debt cleared before I get anything else.
Usually I look for deals or go for second hand and hope for the best.
I've been gaming a long time and if I were to go into a full history of my gaming then it would take a long time for me to do so and my fingers would probably be worn down to nubs and bleeding heavily if I did.
Life is a series of beginnings, endings and everything between. Gaming being one such example.
So what about anyone who's reading this? What are your gaming hellos and goodbyes?
Time flies.