As far back as I can remember I've always played games (board games, card games, computer games on the first hand held's, Atari, commodore 64, the list goes on). So you could say that gaming and a competitive streak started in me from a very early age.
You've got to question how that affects a person, like I have been doing lately, because quite frankly I just can't get enough of playing games. If I was being paid to review or test games then this would be a good thing, however when you don't have the luxury of living out the fantasy of millions of gamers, the need to play games can often be detrimental to your emotional state.
Like now for instance, being 10:51 pm, I could either be catching up on a lot of uni study that I am behind in, spending time with my wife, or catching up on sleep that never seems to be caught up. Instead I'm writing in a journal about gaming, and also wanting to play the X-Box, PS2 or getting on to NWN on the PC and actually trying to finish the game.
I guess it all comes down to will power and whether you feel you are doing the right thing, but one would have to question how a person ends up with an almost constant need to play games, almost to the detriment of everything else. Is it, like I've alluded to, the fact some people are playing games from such a young age that they just do not know how to stop when they reach their adult life, or is it the result of an over active mind that just needs something to challenge it continually.
I don't have the answer, perhaps if I could get motivated I'd take a risk, get a government grant and study the cause and effect of gaming on people from different age groups. But hey, that would mean I'd spend a fair bit of time watching people play and not doing it myself so that just can't happen.
It's interesting though, the rise of gaming and in particular gaming consoles in the last 10 years. Does it have to do with the fact that people are bored and just looking for something to do, or is that fact that people want an escape from reality and need any other reality to immerse themselves in. Maybe it's a combination of the two, but as their are many other things that people can be doing instead of playing computer games, it makes me think there's something a bit more complex behind it (subliminal messages anyone - for those conspiracy minded people out there). But this journal entry is not for figuring it out.
Well that's probably all the rambling I'm good for today, well not true, but all I could be bothered putting into coherent words. Who knows if I'll write in this journal again, but I think it's quite a good idea from GS that just compliments an already impressive website.
If anyone reads this, hoist a drink with me. If no one reads this, it's a bit like the tree falling in the woods with no one around to hear it, does it make a noise.
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