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I'm a faithful one console man now

Xbox 360

I'll admit in the past I was a bit of a console philanderer (PS1 and N64, PS2 and Xbox, to name just a couple) but I am now a faithful one console man, the Xbox 360. The reason for this. Too many unfinished games. When I had two or more consoles from the one generation I had way too many games that I did not finish on one or both of the consoles that I had. This to me is just criminal.

I must very shamefully admit that I own GTA: Vice City and San Andreas on the PS2 but have hardly touched either of them for one reason or another. Both of those games are fantastic (more so Vice City for the unashamedly 80's flavour) but because I had plenty of games on two consoles to finish I just did not get around to putting the effort in to finish both of them.

Therefore I have just gone with the 360 for this generation of consoles. Several reasons for this which I've listed below. Now this does not make me a Microsoft or 360 fanboy, far from it, it's just my choice to make sure I am able to finish more games more completely.

  • I'm a little bit of a Halo fan, and I wanted to get Halo 3
  • The PS3 in Australia costs $1000. Yes for those who are not in Australia that is correct. We continually get ripped off on the gaming front on both the consoles and game prices, but I'll save that for a separate rant another day. I basically just could not justify $1000 for a games console, even though it would be a cheap blue ray player, but then there's the whole next gen DVD argument going on.
  • I like the live service that the xbox has. It is rather a fantastic service, although somewhat diluted in Australia.
  • There just are not that many games that are console exclusive these days, so in the end it just does not play that much of a big deal. The only games I'd like to play on the PS3 at this point are God of War, Final Fantasy, and Metal Gear. But I don't have to play them, and can live with missing them. GTA4 is coming to the 360 so that is fine with me.
  • Just not convinced about the Wii at this stage. Would love to try one, as I think my wife would like it as well,just not sure how much it would offer to somewhat serious gamers.
  • The achievement point idea on the 360 is great. I love trying to get all achievement points out of a game and increasing my gamerscore.

So that's about the crux of it. Just one console for me so I can try to finish more games. If I were to get a second I'd probably go for the Wii, as I'd just love to get my wife into some easy gaming that the Wii-mote offers. Let's hope I continue to remain faithful for my gaming sanity.

Oh broadband where art thou!

Just have to say quickly that I have been non-broadbanned for about 4 months now, AND IT JUST PLAIN S*CKS. Not only for online gaming on my 360, but just for the fact that my gamerscore and achievements are not updated and dial up Internet connection. Oh dial up blows.

What annoys me is I worked my butt off to get the black pearl cluster achievement on Hexic HD only for my score of 354K+ to not be recorded on the world wide leader boards which I'm sure would have put me up there nicely.

Once again I say not having broadband S*CKS.