I read in a few places that you have to update to 1.41 first, then update to 1.5. Also, I had trouble with getting kicked for Punkbuster issues until I started running BF2.exe as an admin in Win7 ultimate. Right click the shortcut and launch as admin.
Arma 2? more reallistic Bad company 2 besides starts beta in 2 weeks You can also try Battlefield 2142. Not as good as BF2 but still quite good gameadamosmaki
Hi all! Just built a new rig in prep for BF:BC2 and STO. I'm a former BF2 player that got out of gaming for several years. Used to play competitively mainly as a copter pilot on TWL. Before that, my favorite game I played competitively was RB6: Raven Shield and Ghost Recon. I also currently play MW2 but only on the xbox. I'll tag my rig's specs at the end, but it can play pretty much anything. Are there any BF2 style games that include copters that have plenty of people playing multiplayer right now? If not, what would you suggest I play to keep me busy for a month? I've been having fun back in BF2 but would like to know where everyone who used to compete there has moved on to. Long story short, where's all the action right now for BF2 style games? Thanks!
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