The only thing bad about the xbox one now is the price and the lame jokes sony fanboys are making about the it. How come when Microsoft does something you all shout, " they just want money", but if sony did it you all would be shouting, " Wow sony actually cares for its fans" we all know money is behind it who cares though they listened :)
Xbox is now HOT, they listened to us(our wallets) yeah. I'm getting xbox one later since xbox is getting most of the good sony exclusives and actually getting games you can play for the story mode. Metal gear solid and now Kingdom Hearts :) share some more sony, who knows maybe even little big planet xD
the reason they package it in the bundle is probably because in the future they plan to release many things that may require a Kinect.
Therefore since they know everyone has one, they know people will eventually try it.
Yay I won't get a day one edition because the xbox360 pissed me off with hardware failure but if I see many people talking about some red light, I will go to ps4, but for now XBOX ONE baby
The price for this piece of shit console should of been 250$. Who the **** would pay $350 plus tax for a 32gb wii u console when a ps4 for $399 or 440 with tax, 500gb. nice games.
This is soo stupid. This should be free, why release a new game then make new multiplayer map packs with exclusive online modes to those map packs, only to have those of us who don't get the map packs the instant they're out not available to play certain game types.
Sn00pyBrown's comments