Dark Souls but i hate the fact that it's multiplatform. Its potential is going to drop because From software wants to fit it all on one crappy xbox disc and our Bluray capacity is going to be wasted.
Oh Killzone 3 and Elder Scrolls as well. Oh and Metal Gear Rising which is also multiplatform..yay....
Dark Souls but i hate the fact that it's multiplatform. Its potential is going to drop because From software wants to fit it all on one crappy xbox disc and our Bluray capacity is going to be wasted.
Red dead redemption. Its probably not the worst game ill come into on the PS3, but out of all the games i have so far RDR is the worst game i have in my PS3 collection.
What? You and Bow-T serious? I loved RDR. Does get repetitive sometimes but it's an excellent game.
Everything is 404 for me now as well. Plus my account reset from level 18 to 0. I just got the Game Expert trophy too. I thought that may be a reason for the errors but i didn't know that many other people were having the same problem.
Which game should i get first? Eventually i'll get all three but they're all being released a week apart from each other and i don't want to spend that much money in such a short period. I know they're all very different games but I just want to know your opinions on what you think would be best.
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