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Top 5 Most Anticipated Games of 2012

It's a little early yeah but all the major gaming conferences are over now and besides everyone knows this was one of the best years of gaming yet if a bit overloaded. There are 5 games I'm really looking forward to next year. Here they are:

5. Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)

After watching previews of it at E3, it looks to be one hell of an action game. I'm still a little curious to see how it will all play out in the end but for now, it's looking to be a strong entry in the 3DS lineup. (Also hoping it gets done soon so Project Sora can start working on SSB 4!)

4. Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm (PC)

I've always been a big fan of RTS games and Starcraft was a big factor. I played the original right up to the point of SC II's release last year. I knew there were going to be expansions and new units and a new campaign definetely has me excited for next year. I don't care if my PC isn't strong enough, I'll play with lag just because SC II is awesome!

3. Monster Hunter 4 (3DS)

Since Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD doesn't have a release date in North America yet; or even if it's going to come out here, I'm really looking forward to Monster Hunter 4. I'm still a little skeptical of the second analog stick and I'm sincerely hoping there's a bundle that comes with the game and the stick. Also, Capcom better not screw this up with only local play. If there is no online for this game, I will not even bother with it. Unless the game gets such good reviews that I can't pass it up :P

2. The Last Guardian (PS3)

I was disappointed that The Last Guardian didn't show up at E3 this year and that it got pushed back till next year. I'm still playing through Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection and Team Ico has shown to me how to make a true classic. I'm hoping TLG will have the same impact and influence when it comes out, hopefully, next year.

1. Mass Effect 3 (Xbox 360)

I thought the first Mass Effect was amazing and that nothing could top it. Now I can't even play it anymore because of Mass Effect 2. The gameplay improvements were huge and it makes ME1 look like a cheap, rushed game. The only problem I had with ME1 and ME2 were some of the bugs and glitches. I hope they iron it out but BioWare has not always done the best job with this. Regardless, this is the one game I would buy next year if I had a choice.

Honourable Mentions:

BioShock: Infinite

Metal Gear Solid: Rising

Final Fantasy XIII-2

Anarchy Reigns

Borderlands 2