Konnichi wa, minna-san!
I've got a ton of work to do but I still want to take the time to write a blog. My logic :D
So the Wii U has been out for a week and a half and while I haven't spent a ton of time playing games, I have familiarized myself with the system so I'm going to do a quick list of Wii U pros and cons:
'Asymmetrical gameplay'
Ability to play some games, and handle most applications using just the Gamepad
Unique multiplayer options
Ergonomically friendly
Good launch line-up
Gamepad only lasts 3.5-5 hours
Some games and a few applications require the TV to be free
TV remote function doesn't work all that well (at least for me)
That hour-long update and the 4 GB it eats up
Menus are a little slow
So that's it for this quick update. I think out of 10 the Wii U rates an 8 to 8.5 right now. I'm sure I'll enjoy it more once the big name games come out for it.
Mata ato de!