Sniper5904's forum posts
After having my 360 show signs of not working (no video or audio, but no red rings), my opinion is quickly changing. The quality of the components inside the 360 leaves much to be desired. If they were better, and I didn't need to purposely overheat the console every couple of days to get the gpu to have proper contacts, I would keep it, but right now I'm wishing I purchased a PS3 instead.
That said, I would surely miss Forza 2, but other than that, there aren't any exclusive titles on the 360 that I need to play.
I thought the demo was mediocre and nothing new or great. The ability to slide off every object that is at hip height is just riddiculous but I guess goes with the whole Hard Boiled movie but ultimately riddiculous. The gun play is pretty decent, but the whole shoot dodge "decision maker" crap where time freezes over and tequela shoots random explosive objects was a pretty big turn off; I could have easily killed all of them in standard time.
I think the Max Payne series pulled off the whole bullet time while fighting off a bunch of random guys with shoot dodging better than Stranglehold. Which is kind of ironic considering that Max Payne originally was modelled after the John Woo films.
Your graphics card, if you can call it that, is a steaming pile of Fail. You'd get a much bigger performance boost by upgrading that than by adding more RAM.kodex1717
That's the mainboard chipset genius (integrated video is a standard)... the topic creator obviously has a dedicated graphics card, else they wouldn't be here.
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