Personally I don't think any game should receive a 10/10 ever. In my eyes that's a perfect score, and it should be unachievable because there is always something that could be improved, in any game. That being said, gamespot is notoriously hard on games, (which I personally like) and ign is overly forgiving. That being said all a review really is is someones opinion on something and we are all entitled to our opinions. you do not have to agree with this review or any review for that matter.
Fine me. I don't want, and prolly never will want the PS eye. I'd rather spend the extra $100 on a game and a 2nd controller, you know stuff I actually want and will use.
@Mimicry I'm not so sure.I'm liking what i'm hearing about it. and a lot of people were impressed at E3 with version 2.0 and are excited to see the relaunch.
Anyone else think his "major illness" is SE firing him? Considering he compeltely failed FFXIV, and he was burning what is left of FFXI(a game used to love to the ground). Maybe with him gone both FFXI and FF!4's futures look bright :)
Ok its official Gamespot alters these images or does not have equal set ups. I have all these games so now I can honestly post a non biased opinion on them. I have the 360 version of about half these games and I have the ps3 version for the other half. The ps3 doesnt look even remotly as bad as these Screenshots look. I have Acreed for ps3 and the game looks 100 TIMES BETTER on ps3 than what these screen shots look like. Im not saying the ps3 is better looking for Acreed but these Screen shots do not do the ps3 justice at all. Also GTA 4 opn ps3 looks crappy in these screen shots as well. I have seen these side by side on the same size / type of tvs in my house one for xbox 360 and ps3. I own ps3 version my friend was playing on 360. The ps3 version looks better than the 360 version. not by a lot but it does. This game i can honstly say gamespot is so biased toward the xbox 360. I own both systems and im not a fanboy of each but I would like Gamespot to at least post decent screen shots of the games when I know both systems look better than these bs screeen shots. I'm gonna even admit there are some games where the 360 is obviously better looking but you really needa play both on the same tv to see for yourself. Gamespot needs to stop posting these phony comparasions because both games look WAYYY BETTER ON BOTH SYSTEMS than these terrbile screen shots look
Sniperwire's comments