Thats the best part about Playstation there isn't a face to the system. We have faces. PS offers so many great titles and has so many memorable characters. To name a few.
I thoguth he said that the difference would be barely noticeable or something like that.
Things are always mroe noticable when your looking at a still screen shot, while your playing it will be barly noticable, but in a still image the ps3 looks a lot better.
It's bad that a thread like this needs to be created. Its obviously apparent that M$ screwed up this generation, way more people have had multiple systems died on them than people that havn't had any problems. This is bad M$ get your act together next generation.
Any bugs that I saw were very very minor and had almost no effect on the playing experience. I beat the ps3 version of the game a few days after its release.
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