Wii Sports is a rip-off joke of a "bundled game". It's not a game, it's Duck Hunt. Nintendo has now proven that they care just as little about their customers as Sony does their own. Relative to the hardware you're getting in a Wii, $250 is just as ridiculous a price point as $600 is for a PS3. I really couldn't care less about the 360 right now, but it's pretty obvious now that the system is going to slide into the top seller spot and become the default entertainment console the PS2 was this gen based solely on the mistakes of Sony and Nintendo. It will be interesting to see how all this plays out, but not in a good way. Console manufacturers suck and honestly, I hope they all fail and the video game industry goes into a 10 year recession because that's what we all deserve. Us for letting them walk all over us and them for being worthless profiteers. "Micro-transactions" be damned.
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