i think an interesting fact to point out is that less than one percent of the national GDP is even spent on welfare, so how is that a leech when lots more is spent on wars and giving money to banks who than lend out "golden parachutes" to their highest investors which equals out to over 500 billion dollars. also keep in mind at all times that the tax pay less taxes because of Reaganomics and the Bush tax cuts, which is that the less they pay to the government, the more they have to spend. Tha tmoney goes into the economy, and creates jobs.
However, this is an unreliable economic model as the last 30 years have shown us. The 80's had a higher statistic of uemployed, don't listen to the pundits, than today, but they still had a higher Capital Gains tax, which is the tax on all sources of income outside of a regular job.
Most of the "uber" rich in our nation earn their money from dividends, which is barely taxed at the moment and they put that money in offshore accounts and save it. People aren't spending, they are saving. The rich are rich because they know how to invest and save. Company CEO's invest money in eachothers companies on Wall Street, and than invest the increased earning they acquire through dividends. All the investing and saving, and lets not forget loop holes and thievery, that occurs does nothing to build up society.
The man and/or woman on welfare is hardly the issue, but more of a thermometer for the nation's illness. The higher the poverty line, they more there are. The more there are, the better indication that something is wrong.
Thats a little on my opinion, you can find all my facts and statements on the web. including statistics, i have to go to work lol.
wasnt expecting smart people. But during a recession everyone has to sacrifice... the top 1% sacrifice the least becauase they are the most patriotic. The poor people sacrifice the most, by starving to death.... because i think starving to death is about the same as a marginal tax increase. Equal sacrifices imo.
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