1. Nintendo - They announced numerous games. Sure none of them are new IPs except Epic Mickey, but who cares. Zelda will be quality, Kirby looked great and there's a new Donkey Kong! Seriously, I've been waiting for a real DK since DKC on the SNES. DK64 was cool, but nothing like DKC.
2a. EA - Crysis 2 looked great, Medal of Honor looks like Call of Duty, but not as casual friendly. Announcement of a beta is also nice. I was impressed with EA MMA. Dead Space 2, etc. Bulletstorm looked good too. Dialogue was terrible and I'll be playing this game on mute, but it looks like a blast. It's been awhile since there's been an over-the-top shooter like this and it looks promising,
2b. Sony - They were pretty boring in the first 1 hour and 15 minutes but turned it up on the last 45. I was disappointed in the lack of Socom 4, and as a real Socom fan, I'm angered that this franchise no longer means anything to Sony. All it is now, is a demo to show future possibilities for Move. PS Plus was cool, and I'll most likely subscribe. All in all, good show.
4. Microsoft - Is it just me, or is it sad that the best game at your conference is a multiplatform game, one that will most likely be superior on another platform as well? Joke conference and if it wasn't for Halo Reach, they would have been worse than Ubifail.
5. Ubifail - Lolwut? Is there anything to talk about? Assassin's Creed Brotherhood was cool, but what a joke. They spend 5 minutes on ACB and 30 seconds on Rayman, but 15 minutes on Shaun White Skateboarding and laser tag (does this atrocity even have a name?)
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