It's official, I have been an owner of PlayStation 4 for exactly one year now. So I figure I'll take a look back at all the games I've played on it thus far and post some general thoughts about what I think about the console at this point in time.
First off, I think I'll keep things simple with my thoughts on the console. It's great. There. Done. Okay, but really, I think it's a nice improvement of the PS4, especially as far as its power goes. I know it was never a real competitor of high-end PC's from the get-go, but just comparing it to the PS3, I'm very happy with what I've experienced as far as performance goes. Menus run smooth and most games I've played have ran much better than almost any PS3 game I ever played. At first, I didn't think the visual improvements were very significant. But after going back and playing a PS3 game every now and again, I can say that I was mostly wrong and there are very noticeable improvements as far as graphics go. I don't know why it took going back to the PS3 to notice such differences, but it did. I'm actually almost at the point where I feel PS3 games look distractably dated. I still feel many PS3 games will age just fine, but I think the main drawback with revisiting PS3 games will be performance. I'm assuming many PS3 games don't even run at a smooth 30fps, but I'm not exactly an expert at such things. At any rate, I've been very impressed with what I've seen from the PS4.
A few other quick things I like are pretty consistent with what I posted a month after I got the system. For one, I still love the controller. It actually feels weird holding a PS3 controller at this point. The touchpad I still feel is an excellent addition and hasn't been too much of a gimmick. The share button is fucking awesome. I'm at over 1000 screenshots now (maybe I will post some of my favorite screenshots from every game I've played on another blog in the future) and dozens of videos. I think saving screenshots and videos is easily my favorite feature of the PS4. I haven't used many other apps aside from YouTube, but everything seems functional enough. Going through the menus easily even while in the middle of a game is a blessing.
As far as gripes go, it's mostly the same few things I mentioned as well after a month. Game organization could use some work. I'd like to make folders or something to better organize my games. I still can't view trophies unless I'm online. Generally not a problem, but it's still kind of ridiculous. Turning your controller off should be a little easier. Turning off the console should be a little easier. But at this point, my few complaints feel like minor stuff.
Anyway, now I'll just go through all the games I've played on my PS4 thus far.
1. inFamous Second Son
My very first PS4 game, and an anticipated one at that seeing as how much I loved the first two inFamous games. This one did some great things, but ultimately I prefer the first 2 games over it. But it was definitely a great first game to play on the PS4.
Score: 8.5/10
2. Killzone Shadow Fall
Not the best Killzone game, but it was a functional shooter with pretty graphics and a few interesting concepts.
Score: 7.5/10
3. Metro 2033 Redux
I was excited to finally be able to play this game, and though slow at the start, it was a solid shooter with an interesting story and stunningly enhanced graphics.
Score: 8.5/10
4. Dust: An Elysian Tale
The first PS+ game on the PS4 I decided to play. Not really a fan of sidescrollers, but there was something about this game that I quite enjoyed.
Score: 8/10
5. The Wolf Among Us
I intentionally waited to play this on the PS4 so I wouldn't have to put up with as much stuttering as I did on the PS3 with The Walking Dead. Anyway, this was quite the thriller and I was mostly fascinated by it even though I've never read any of the comics.
Score: 8.5/10
6. Watch Dogs
Despite all the controversy and hatred, I thought Watch Dogs was a very solid game with the potential to become a really good franchise.
Score: 8.5/10
7. inFamous First Light
An excellent grab via PS+. Playing as Fetch was a blast and I loved seeing more of her character. I had as much of a blast, if not then even more of a blast playing through this as I did Second Son, even though this was a fairly brief standalone expansion.
Score: 8.5/10
8. Metro: Last Light Redux
I felt Last Light was roughly as good as the first game. I still feel it's perhaps the best looking game I've played on the PS4 thus far. At least, it's definitely up there.
Score: 8.5/10
9. Mercenary Kings
Not my kind of game at all, honestly. I pretty much forced myself to play this for some easy "ultra rare" trophies (by PSNProfile standards) because I somewhat obsess over such things.
Score: 5/10
10. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
I told myself I was done with Assassin's Creed, but I lied because I decided to give this game a shot and I'm damn glad I did because I loved it. It felt more like a pirate adventure game than it did an Assassin's Creed game, and that's what really won me over. The naval stuff was just an absolute blast and I liked the characters and less so the story. Overall, I had to consider this my favorite Assassin's Creed game once I was done playing it.
Score: 9/10
11. Valiant Hearts; The Great War
A neat game I was wanting to play but waiting to play until it released on PS+, which it eventually did. Valiant Hearts surprisingly pulled off the WWI setting very well and told a heartfelt story with lovable characters (namely Walt, the dog) with very little dialogue. Some meh puzzles, but a nice experience nonetheless.
Score: 8/10
12. Far Cry 4
More or less Far Cry 3, but in a different setting. Which, for the most part, wasn't all that bad. And it ran and looked amazing in comparison to the PS3 version of Far Cry 3, which was a nice bonus. I took a shit-ton of screenshots of this game.
Score: 8.5/10
13. Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell
A fun expansion to Saints Row IV. A bit rough on the graphics, at least to the PS4's standards. Still, an entertaining, sit back, enjoy, and don't take seriously at all kind of experience.
Score: 7.5/10
14. Grim Fandango Remastered
This game seemed highly praised, but I was skeptical to play it because of its age, even with being remastered. But it was a perfectly playable game, if but a bit difficult to figure out its convoluted puzzles. But its well-written story, fun characters, and overall charm made up for the fact that I had to use a guide for most of the game.
Score: 8/10
15. Never Alone
It was a quick game to play through PS+. I appreciated the cultural insight and the first half or so of the game was a joy to play. But it kind of fell apart towards the end and became quite the nuisance to push through. Nonetheless, it was worth the play.
Score: 7/10
16. The Order: 1886
One game I rented for obvious reasons- its length and mediocre reception. I felt the game had its moments and the shooting gameplay was decent. But on the other hand, much of the game bored me due to uninteresting characters and subpar storytelling.
Score: 6.5/10
17. The Golf Club
I'm a casual fan of golf at best, but I wanted to give this game a shot ever since I first saw it. Ultimately, it felt like a pretty basic golf game that could have been much better if the customization was better implemented. But it's an alright game if you're really wanting to play a golf game on the PS4.
Score: 7/10
18. Ether One
Another PS+ game. Had some issues, technically speaking. But ultimately I found it to be quite a fascinating game as far as its concept goes and a heartbreaking one as far as its story goes. The latter of which had a bit of an impact on me, even though I don't really know anyone who suffers from alzheimer's.
Score: 7.5/10
19. Dying Light
A much better version of Dead Island as far as its mechanics and visuals go. But it did kind of wear me down the same way both Dead Island games did. But for what it's worth, I never grew tired of drop kicking zombies, especially off of high places.
Score: 8/10
20. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Another game I intentionally waited to play on the PS4. I was kind of worn out from Borderlands after Borderlands 2, but this was a fun return to the franchise after giving it some time. Surprisingly, this one really grew on me and I now consider it to be my favorite Borderlands game.
Score: 8.5/10
21. Borderlands 2
I basically had to buy this one since I could only get the Pre-Sequel via The Handsome Collection. I thought I would enjoy Borderlands 2 more than I did the first time I played it, but that wasn't quite the case unfortunately. At least I got to play through its DLC for the first time. Tiny Tina's DLC was especially entertaining.
Score: 8/10
22. Rocket League
This game became a surprising hit and luckily it was free via PS+. Suffice to say, I enjoyed the shit out of this game despite its basic features. I avoid playing games online for the most part anymore, but this was an absolute blast to play against other people.
Score: 8.5/10
23. Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry
A decent expansion to Black Flag, featuring one of the better side characters. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the main game, but it still had some of what made Black Flag a thrill to play.
Score: 7.5/10
24. Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare
I grabbed this game a long time back when EA was handing it out for free. I didn't think I would ever play it, but I needed something to play and I finally gave it a chance despite my bitterness for online games. But wow, am I glad I gave this a chance because it was truly a fun experience. It helped a lot that I became quite good at the game, but still, it was actually quite balanced and the characters were very fun to play with. And of course I just love the Plants Vs. Zombies charm and how they actually managed to implement that theme into a sort of third-person shooter.
Score: 8.5/10
Overall, I'd say that's a pretty good set of games I've played thus far. It looks like I'm going at an exact pace of 2 games per month, which is pretty good for me, especially if I do reach 100 games after 4 years. Going by my scores, it would look as if Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is my favorite game I've played on the PS4 after having it for one year. I'd go ahead and agree with that. It's the only game I'd say was just a notch above "very solid", which is how I'd describe all those games above I scored an 8.5. So perhaps I haven't been completely blown away by anything just yet. But I most certainly can't complain as I feel I've gotten through a nice chunk of great games after only 1 year, though the PS4 is almost 2 years into its life cycle. Surely The Witcher 3 has the potential to blow me away, but I'm still waiting around to get to that. And of course, Fallout 4 has a good shot at really winning me over, even if I do still have some worries about it. At any rate, the PS4 has excellent potential going forward as far as software goes. I'm hoping Uncharted 4 turns out to be amazing. And surely there will be more excellent games beyond that provided the PS4 gets the sort of life cycle as the PS3.
Lastly, here's what I'm looking at as far as PS4 games that I, at the moment, anticipate to play in the future, released or not.
- Grow Home
- Teslagrad
- The Witcher 3
- LittleBigPlanet 3
- Batman: Arkham Knight
- Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
- Until Dawn
- Mad Max
- Tearaway Unfolded
- Tales From the Borderlands
- Life is Strange
- Fallout 4
- Just Cause 3
- Uncharted 4
- Persona 5
- No Man's Sky
- Mass Effect: Andromeda
- South Park: The Fractured But Whole
- Dishonored 2
- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Mafia 3
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
I will probably get to most of these games (and more because I always find games on a whim to play) in another year's time. Fallout 4, The Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, Persona 5, and Mass Effect: Andromeda are the ones that stand out the most. And that's definitely because they're all from franchises in which I've played games that have truly impressed me. Except for The Witcher 3 since it will be my first Witcher game.
Anyway, I should definitely stop here. I didn't originally anticipate writing brief summaries for every game I've played on the PS4 so far. But to reiterate once more, it's been a great first year with the PS4. I just hope to keep seeing more momentum as far as games go and more improvements to the system itself would be neat.