Why is there a poll? You kind find everything you need to know about the game here:http://www.google.com/
So_anyway's forum posts
Wants to get a tramp stamp? lolno. It doesn't matter what it's of, tramp stamps are awful.
I know better than to trade it at GameStop, I was thinking eBay or Amazon.
Thanks for the input, was kinda hoping for more than 250 though.
I have one of the old backwards compatible 80gb models and some games; Motorstorm, Lego Indiana Jones and Star Wars.
Does anyone have an idea of how much they would fetch for on eBay?
Thank you for clearing that up.
On another note is there anything really worth while you get for linking a My Nintendo account?
I've downloaded some virtual console games but never linked my Wii up with an account, if I were to do so now would they transfer?
Or is Nintendo's Customer Service good enough that if something were to damage my Wii they would be to move them to a new system? If so, what information would I need to supply?
Honestly I think that's in game footage. If you look at the pipes on the sides of the areas in the sewers they still have some hard edges. If it was prerendered they probably would've fixed that.
The Killer7 gameplay idea would actually work pretty nicely. Dead Space on the other systems is still an extremely linear game, doors are usually locked until you complete a certain objective and even then its usually just restrooms off to the sid. In fact the navigation system they used, a blue light showing the direction that the player needs to go, could easily be converted into the rails the game progresses on.
The only major change in the way the game is played would be with the open areas where they would have necromorphs attack from all sides and the player wouldn't have anywhere to hide. Of course with this game being set in the mining coloney they could confine it to corridors or other tight areas and have the enemies funnel in.
Anyway that was only a minute teaser trailer. Probably just wait for more, it'll be interesting to see what they do with it.
Considering Japan has already gotten ports of Zero and Remake, what are the chances of these titles comming to the wii? Let alone the PAL and NTSC regions?
Even though it used one of the biggest carts, Resident Evil 2 was on the N64, so in theory couldn't it end up on the virtual console? I know the remake rumor was squashed.
I am fully aware that there are gamecube ports, however, they are hard to come by and are a bit costly.
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