I only play as a good character in Fable 1 and 2, but in Oblivion I play as a xenophobic Imperial that kills off any nonhuman. While these two types of play are fun and I get to balance out my desires to be a paragon or a Devil, I would enjoy more opportunities to be neutral throughout most of the game. I'd like to see multiple outcomes for good and evil choices as well. Humanity is chaotic and games should reflect that with different conclusions/rewards/events for quests or actions rather than having a single event.
Also the next page has varying image quality. The 360 trumps the PS3 in some cases, then there are others that make the PS3 look better. Guess it's time to just focus on content people and be thankful that we don't have to compare it to a wii release.
The PC as always looks the best. Too bad the content is bogus without mod support and dedicated servers. It was a better investment to get it on a console.
Soapweed's comments