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SoaringEagle88 Blog

Update and Trivia

Hi everyone long time no see, first off my laptop port broke and would not charge so I took it to be fixed
and in the process of fixing it I ordered a new desktop computer. It is great and it's a beast.

I still wanted my laptop fixed though, and they fixed it but the battery would not charge. So he told me let me make it right so they did but in the process they put too much volts to it and fried the motherboard. So to make a long story short, I have a new desktop computer but my laptop is still being fixed.

Sorry for not posting to your blogs, holding the charger cord and trying to type was not working.
I haven't even had time to see E3 yet, I hope to see it this weekend.

Thanks Primo for filling me in on it. I am glad to hear of a new Zelda game and hey Bruno we got our wish. A
New Golden Sun FINALLY!!!!!:D

Well in gaming news I haven't had much time at all for gaming.

Really not much time for anything and I miss my gaming badly. I did get the Sims 3 and playing that when I have time...
I haven't played a sims game in so long and it seems this one they really added alot to do
in it to make it less boring , like wishes to fullfill and even working is different in this

Well that is about it to bring you all up on what I have been doing. and Now for pure
Randomness some Video game trivia for you.

1.) In Resident Evil 5 you can earn the traitor in disguise trophy by killing off your partner?
True or false?

2.) Which metroid prime is this screen shot taken from?

3.) what Ds game is this screenshot from?

4.) which is the key to happiness?
a.) playing more xbox 360
b.) playing more Ps3
c.) playing more Wii
D.) cleaning your room or...
E.) all of the above :P

[spoiler] False [/spoiler] [spoiler] Metroid Prime 2: Echoes [/spoiler] [spoiler] The World Ends With You [/spoiler] [spoiler] E [/spoiler]

I will quit here so this blog won't get too big and you don't read it

Take care and Thanks for reading , I hope to be back on your blogs soon :)and again Thanks Primo for filling me in on E3 you are a great friend :)

Take Care,
Soaring :)

20 things about me and random blog

1) This is for Will47 so he doesn't have to suffer alone :P

2) I only drink Sprite Zero and Koolaid
3) I love cookies
4) My favorite color is Blue
5) Right now Killzone2 is my Favorite game
6) I am addicted to videogames for real :o
7) Link is my favorite videogame character!
8. My pet bunny just died yesterday he was 15 :(
9) I won't be getting a Dsi
10) I want a ps3 , I kidnapped my brothers :P
11) My best friend is Primo295 , he is the greatest:D
12) My favorite food is Pizza
13) I hate clowns :x
14) I have lots of games I never finished :o
15) I like all kinds of music :)
16) I don't blog much anymore too lazy :P
17) I don't have much time for unions anymore :(
18. My favorite season is Summer :D
19) I collect games and old Systems :)
20) I just started playing shooters since December , never played one before that , I missed alot:o

Well that is it :P there you go Will you are not alone now :P and also I hope everyone has a Happy Easter if you celebrate it and eat lots of candy :D

And a Special thanks to you Primo for all my cool Sigs and banner , keeping me looking good around here :lol: you sure have a talent making them so thanks :)
Well hope you all had a great weekend and Thanks for reading :)
Take Care and Cya around ,
Soaring :)

The Eagle has returned

Hey Everyone I hope your holidays were good and your 2009 is starting out good too ! I am back from my little Gs vacation :P I have been working and not much time to post these days but I will be catching up on your blogs :)

This blog will be short I am posting on lunch hour :P so I have to be fast :P So I will do a longer one soon , I just wanted to say Thanks to all my friends who commented on my last blog and Sorry I didn't get to each one of you like I usally do! K well lunch is ending and i only had enough time for this and a few pms:P

See you all soon and as always Take Care and thanks for reading ! :)

Soaring :)

Ps..... P thanks for everything :)

Leaving for a little while ..

Hello Friends,

I will be leaving just for a little while for the holidays , I am going to be doing alot shopping and baking and visiting family so I most likely won't have time to be here. I hope you all have a great holiday :) and get lots of great gifts !!

Hope you guys understand and I will see you after the holidays :) Thanks for reading and Take Care

Happy Holidays !!!! Soaring:)

One year ago and Stuff ....

Hi Friends,

It's been one Year since I joined here and it has been a great year! I have made lots of wonderful friends and I Know I am not as active as I once was but I stop in every now and then :P ....I have to give a shout out to RHF , BrunoBrs and Bak they are some of the best union leaders you will find :) and special thanks to Primo295 for making me look good here with all my awesome banners and sigs :D You truly are talented ! ( :o yes Rh I only made one Link sig and I quit :lol: I am just not a good sig maker :P )

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it and don't eat too much :P I will be :twisted: and In gaming news I will be playing Luminous Arc2 , I really like the game :D

Well I will end here and say thanks to all my friends and thanks to Luke my very first friend here on Gs :) My next blog I think I will do a List of Favorites so hopefully it won't be 2 months before I do another Blog :P

Take Care and Thanks for reading ,

Soaring :)

Very Random Blog ..

Hi everyone ,

I guess I haven't blogged in a few months so I will write one now ... A very random one, first of all I finally made it out of the slime :P level 20 .I really don't care much about levels but here that is a mile stone I guess ..

I have been playing Disgaea for the Ds and still Mario Kart :) and I am reading the twilight series still, I have one book left, there are 4 ..I can say it is a good series but the first book is my fav so far :)

I recently bought 2 cds by Rasmus called Dead letters and Hiding from the sun .Both are really good , I am hoping to buy a few Metallica's soon :)

I told you this would be very random so here is a pic of my cat Tom he is a good cat , plays fetch like a dog :lol: and is always into something :P

So that is all I can think of right now very random :lol:

Also I wanna say Thanks to my Friend Primo cuz he always has something nice to say on his blog about me and p I think you are great and thanks so much for your friendship it means the world to me :)

Thanks for reading and Take Care ..

Soaring :)

Been a long time ...

Hi everyone,
It's been a long time since I blogged :P and I thought I would update you on what I have been doing ...First of all I have been super busy and haven't been here much at all so I missed all your blogs, sorry ! I will try to catch up some soon :)

And Once again I am helping my uncle recover , he fell and broke a few ribs and puntured a lung so recovery is slow .. School started back a few days ago :( and I am not coping with mornings well :P

In gaming I have been playing FF4, FF1 , FFTA2 and Mario Kart and a game called Jewel Quest just a pick up and play easy game :P So tell me how have you all been? and how has your summer been ? mine has been a busy one that is for sure :)..... I still don't know when I will be fully active again but I am trying to be here when I can :D

Take care and as always thanks for reading !

Soaring :)

To My friends and unions ...

I'm am very sorry for not commenting on your blogs and in the unions lately , I am going to be very inactive for awhile , I thought once school was out that I would have more time but it is just the opposite :| I have been having very busy days ..and I just don't get in front of the computer much these days :( .. I have been working and spending alot of time with friends ..

So to the unions you might need to replace me as officer since I really won't be in unions right now. I don't really know when I will be active again I won't give a time since I really don't know :| but I am sorry to the friends I have been missing your blogs and I have tried to catch up when I do log in but seems I missed alot :? Sorry I just wanted to let you all know that I will be gone for awhile ....

Take Care have a great summer !

your pal Soaring :)

PS. Thanks for understanding :) and I will be here on and off just not as active but when I have time I will be here :)

Just stuff and why I haven't been here .

Sorry it's been so long since I last blogged I haven't had that much spare time and I am really out of ideas and so I am just updating you guys on what I have been doing lately :) besides school stuff I have had an uncle that I am helping recover from a recent problem and so I am here less now .

On video game news I have been playing MK Wii and so far have done all the time trials and all the grandprix 's so I still need 3 characters yet to unlock . The game is awesome online is so much fun :D . I just started 2 books one is called The book of the Sword by A.J Lake I started this one while waiting for the other one to come in which is Wizards First Rule by Terry Goodkind . So now I have both to read :lol: and not a whole lot of time so this will be interesting .

And I am wanting to go to the gallery to practice with my bow but just haven't had enough time for myself :( So that is about it for now and as you can see nothing exciting going on :lol:

Take Care and as always thanks for reading my blogs !

Soaring :)

The Eagle soars again Pt 2

Hi all I am back from suspension ..Sorry if I missed your blogs if you are wondering I posted in a battle topic which I did not know was not allowed :( . Just to mention a few friends that helped me out .. Neo thanks for telling everyone on my blog and in the league where I was ,I appreciate it and you are a great friend :) , Sky thankyou also and to NK you I have said before are one of the bestfriends I have ever had :D

Primo Thank you for being a great friend and for our great talks you are one of my bestfriends here :D

I also want to let you guys know that I won't be here as much as I am so busy with school and things outside of G.S ..So I will be here alot less :( . Unions you might want to consider replacing me as officer as I won't be there as often :( sorry !

P.S I am even doing this from school now :o :P

Hope you are all doing well and had a great weekend and not too much longer and school will be out :D Thanks for reading ....

Take Care ,

Soaring :)

Pss. I will get to your blogs as soon as I can and sorry I missed them :( Oh and I will have a new banner soon :D and I finally got my cast off :D freedom finally :D :P