Sorry it's been so long since I last blogged I haven't had that much spare time and I am really out of ideas and so I am just updating you guys on what I have been doing lately :) besides school stuff I have had an uncle that I am helping recover from a recent problem and so I am here less now .
On video game news I have been playing MK Wii and so far have done all the time trials and all the grandprix 's so I still need 3 characters yet to unlock . The game is awesome online is so much fun :D . I just started 2 books one is called The book of the Sword by A.J Lake I started this one while waiting for the other one to come in which is Wizards First Rule by Terry Goodkind . So now I have both to read :lol: and not a whole lot of time so this will be interesting .
And I am wanting to go to the gallery to practice with my bow but just haven't had enough time for myself :( So that is about it for now and as you can see nothing exciting going on :lol:
Take Care and as always thanks for reading my blogs !
Soaring :)