My friend bought Dirge of Cerberus today. I haven't gotten to see it yet, but he said it was bad @ss. He's coming over to drink a little and share the wealth tommarow night though, so it sould be fun. And as always, theyre'll probably be a Poke battle or two. So I have to focus on leveling up tommarow. He still hasn't gotten to see my shiny Milotic. I almost crapped myself last weekend when it hatched, but I'm so proud of it. His brother has Emerald, I have Ruby, and my friend has Sapphire and Leaf Green. Our OTHER friend has Fire Red. Call us all a bunch of losers, but if you knock it an haven't played it, you're the lame one o.o
Me & My Katamari
I feel like I've gotten far, then I go and look at the available islands and what not and see I still have quite a few left. This game is mad addicting. My girlfriend played it and didn't like it. Meh, to each there own.
D1 Grand Prix
I won my first series this morning. 2001 with the APEXi FD. I didn't actually win a single race, but got second on 3 of them, 16th or 15th in one and 4th in another. Finished JUST ahead of Ueno. His Soarer seems to be my rival, so to speak. The APEXi RX-7 is a masterpiece. I've tried a dozen or so different cars, and keep finding myself in this one. Or a slightly modified FD3S. In every game, it seems to alwasy be the car I find myself most comfortable driving. Don't know if it's a mental thing, or what. I Need For Speed Underground 1, I couldn't get past the last few races in anything other then the Fd.