Well, FatF isn't in the mailbox yet. I figured it wouldn't be, but I had my hopes up anyway. Went over to my friends house today. Woo-hoo.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (DS)
My friend traded me three Blue Gummies for three Sky Gummies (I recieved the latter for my Latias). Then I found one more, so I gave him that, and he gave me two Gold Gummies. Soooo, I gave him 3 Joy Seeds. It was a fun trade. Before I left, I told him if he died, call me, and I'd go rescue him (he's been dying a lot in Buried Relic, or so he has to my understanding). I get home, and not even five minutes later, the phone rings. I get the code, venture into Wyvern Hill and rescue him.
Need for Speed Underground (PS2)
I started playing this.. AGAIN. Playing my street racing game to prepare for the one on it's way. Started with the Miata. Right now, it's metallic black with the Flyte wing, Enkei wheels, and the first lip kit. I think I also have grape neons. About to go play some more now. I REALLY need to buy the second one.. >.>