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Asian Candy = my anti drug

I dont know the name of the candy but its kinda brown looking and is falvored like a fruit from some kind of asian tree. It's really sweet and i've had some before, but only a little and now I'm hooked. I'm going to the store 5 miles away just to get some. I dunno, maybe whoever makes the candy puts an addiction substance in there like they do for cigarettes. Or maybe they're just plain good. Either way, I'm hooked!

Ok now that I've got this new journal, im gonna be putting a weekly "Progress Report" on which games i'm playing and how am I doing on them thus far. So here it is for the Week of:

May 1st, 2005

Kingdom Hearts 1(PS2) - I'm doing fairly well on this game. I haven't got too far, but I did just buy this game 2 weeks ago and from what I understand, you get tons of playing time out of this. I'm currently to be training in the Phil Cup at the Olympus Coliseum :) But I haven't passed the tournament yet. I've put about 6 or 7 hours of playing time into it so far

Socom 2(PS2) - Well, I've had this game for a while, but since i mostly play online I don't pay too much attention to single player. I've been interested in getting the unlockables, however, and so i've started the campaign on Commander difficulty. This is to ensure that when i beat a level, i get whatever there is to unlock. I'm stuck on stranglehold, where you have to infiltrate an enemy drug lab and destroy it to stop the terrorist group's financial flow, since this is where they get most of their money from. I failed my last mission because i told Vandal and Wardog to go stealth to Charlie and wardog ended up going over the mountaint killing himself. It really was frustrating so I put it down for about a week. Online mode is great as always is, but Lag is frustrating (grrr)

Final Fantasy X-2(PS2) - Well by now I guess you can see that I'm playing fairly old games. This is because I don't have enough money to buy games on release, so i usually get them when they're marked down to 20. Anyway, I just started this game and I guess it's amazing. Thus far, I've only completed two missions, but I spend too much time on socom to pay any attention to the rest of my games. Eh, More on this next week as I'm sure i'll have time to play on the weekend.

And that closes up now playing.

I find the game informer magazine rather dull to read these days. I mean the content is good and the articles are nice and informing and the writers have great skill, but why not incorporate some sort of gimmick into their act? In April's issue that had the From Russia with Love cover story, they had a Game Infarcer thing that was like full of funny jokes and spoofs concerning the game world and all those around (comic books, etc etc the usual). Why can't they do that every month? I appreciate the staff at gameinformer trying to stay professional and trying to get the point accross, but why be about business all the time? Give us readers who're paying to read something to laugh at or just a nice smile. Not to say that the magazine is completely dry, as the articles, previews, reviews, and other written work makes up for it. I might send this to gameinformer and hopefully it'll make their mail section because this needs to be heard.

Well guys, I'm off to the store to go buy that candy (im getting 10 big bags so I don't run out anytime soon). Peace in the middle east!