Iv just started a simular topic.
What games on the horizain are we getting all worked up about? I got a few obviously dont go for ones well off think coming soon. Oui?
Star Wars : FU seems like its going to be manic and a solid part of the SW universe. Lookin forward to force control?
Far Cry 2 : This should be a outrages game , a large Sandbox enviroment holding plase to an open storyline FPS.
Tommy C's : Hes got bothe Endwar and HAWX's on the horizan Ubisoft has bout up the names and will bothe these new RTS and Air Combat games take pride. Both look awesome to me.
but I know GoW is gunna be amazing to the point of it not need saying.
But Fallout 3 also tickles the fancy , and im glad to see people get into it.
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