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SolarMoonTear Blog

They fucced it up. -_-''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Talkin' 'bout S4. Those brainless neanderthals fukked up the next patch from the one where it should only be the new Chaser Mode I'm DYING to play, to something the Koreans JUST UPDATED in their S4 version. Which is no more permanent weapons, skills and clothes to be bought. They're all gonna be rentals now. WHAT KINDA FRIGGIN' MORONS ARE RUNNING THAT PIECE OF CRAP ALAPLAYA????? THERE'S FUKKING GAS LEAKING IN THEIR CORPORATION, I FRIGGIN' SWEAR!!!!! *SIGH* Got it a bit out of my system now, but still unbelievably outraged. They're completely destroying the little bit of good that was left in my new favorite game. Fukking morons. -_-''''''''''''''' ANYWHO, what else is new is that I d/l-ed ANOTHER (though PS2) game recently, and so far loving the little bit I tested out - ".hack//G.U. Vol.1 Rebirth". :D Think it's so far one of the coolest and strangest RPGs I've ever played. It's playing a game in a game. :P In case you've no idea what the hell I'm talking about, go check out the anime, think it's awesome too (I still haven't watched it...). ;3 Ahhh I'm bored now, maybe I'll snatch the PS2 from my parents' room now and play .hack... Toodle-loo. :P

Violets are blue, roses are white. IT'S MY FIRST FUCIN' OFF-SCHOOL NIGHT!!! ):3

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Time for Chaser Mode to get its butt in S4 in a few long days and time to kick back and enjoy the fireworks I cause on my PS. >:3 HALLELUJAH there is a God!!! Though of course as you can obviously expect as much, it's not all flowers and candy in Sergeland. I failed physics and now gotta study for that $!#^!&* (I have NO friggin' idea what it's actually called...) fail exam in August... :roll: Whooptiefukindo. '||3 But eh, I dun fukin' care since I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! (D If I fail that shyt, I fail and dun give a fuk about it, but in the meantime...IT'S S4 AND PS TAIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >=3 Here's a little peek-in at S4's Chaser Mode... Isn't it beauuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful????? (3 >=3

Hmmm... :3

Howdy y'all! What's cooking?! Me? Oh I just found yet ANOTHER beautiful game to play and add to my already-full collection of Metin and Exit Fate... ;3 xD :lol: Yyyyyup, I'm that desperate and in need of games up for playing... ;P xD S4 League. ;3 It's an online game just like Metin, BUUUT, just SOOO very much more contagious than Metin... :P Metin's kinda slow-paced, doing all those annoying repetitive missions running around that godforsaken map finding Metin Stones and crap... Don't get me wrong, I still love that shyt! ',' But S4 is kinda A LOT more fast-paced, and it just sticks ya to the comp like no other fukin' high-class glue. ;3 You have to get ready to spend a goooood half an hour or so to end just one friggin' match, and maybe even around an hour if your game lags up so fuking badly (like yours' truly does..........), since it's a peer-to-peer game. -_-' It's...errr...KINDA like some sorta fighting game, but it's actually some shooting sports multiplayer game. But it's so fuking amazing!!! ;D I'll give a little detour path for anyone who wants to take a peek, it won't kill ya for sure, and it'll be cool if I could kick ass ingame together with someone here...! xD :lol: ;P S4 League Haha and also, look at these cool sigs you can make yourself on a page for S4...! :P xD They totally ROCK! :D  ...And speaking of which, there's this FUKING AWESOME song that plays in a stage in the game too that I fell in love with. (3 Here's a lil' link for that too if ya wanna give it an eavesdrop. ;P NieN - NB Power Hmm ok what else can I mention... Ahh forget it, it's 4:30 anyways, I should be getting my ass to bed right about now... xD ...But not before I open up my lil' shop in Metin. :P :lol: See yaz! ;D

Enter: The UPLOAD!!!!! :DDDDD

YEEEEES!!!!! xD I actually MANAGED to find a site to put that stupid "W.I.T.C.H. vs. Vandread" video I made eons ago! :D Google Videos! ;D It's as simple as that! :lol: But unfortunately it seems I found out they'll be removing the upload function of that site soon enough... :( So I won't be able to actually "make a station" over there, but this will do FAR TOO WELL too. ;P So please everyone watch the video before it goes away forever! :) I really like how I did it too, and my sister said that err...I made it best so far to go with the song and lyrics... :P So that means something! xD ;P So of W.I.T.C.H./Vandread/Linkin Park, please watch the vid! :D ...Oh and on other news, haha, did you know I thought of a chorus of a song of my own? xD :lol: Yyyup. The melody just POPPED into my head when I was won't believe this...Music class XDDD...and soon enough I thought of the chorus lyrics too. :P It's a rock song, of course... ;P I'll definitely have to think of the rest of the song too, but no idea when exactly... xD :lol: If it's means anything to you, you can view the lyrics... ;P *****I'm tired of constant waiting to make you feel the feeling of completely fading, never being real I'm getting tired of always dreaming of being with you I still love you, I feel like screaming... I don't know what to do***** *EDIT: Crap the spoiler tags aren't working in Blogs... :P Aaaaah FUK I hate xD* xD Nice, huh. :P :lol: Well that's basically it, see ya when I see ya folks! ;)

Need some help... ._.

Umm...I need some help with a song, and the answer can be given by Linkin Parkers... :P So err...I dreamt I was making a music video to an LP song... Me and my mom were supposed to go somewhere and she was rushing me but I was making an AMV to Elle and Claire from Heroes with a Linkin Park song... Two things to watch out for: I have NO FREAKING IDEA what the song was, but it was pretty cool. The chorus went something like "I am so tired...", going something like... " tiiiiiiiiireeeeeeeeeeed..." :lol: Does that mean anything...? :P I really wanna find this song now as I think I HAVE heard it somewhere before when I think better... :P And the other weird thing's that the clips I used were never even showed in Heroes... -_-' Maybe it's future episodes...? :P :lol: Claire and Elle were in some kinda building or graveyard or something... :lol: :P It looked more like an official LP video, not AMV... :P And all I remember of the song is the beginning of the chorus... :( So please LP fans, can you help we out with this one...? :? :D . . . . . EDIT: The song's NOT Numb or From the Inside. ;) Any other title's more than welcome... :P ...Oh and btw, happy Women's Day for all you women, girls and ladies... :P ;)

Beloved Saturday!!!!! (D

Hahaha, yup, it's my holy weekend again... :P Even though I've gotten together with my new school a lot better now, I still wove my wittle howy weekends... :3 :lol: :P So I'm gonna try to work on a few of my videos during these two days, but I just don't feel like doing anything now... :lol: :P I just wanna play my Exit Fate/Metin! xD :P ...Oh yeah, didn't tell ya people about Exit Fate did I? :D It's super-amazing. :P It's basically a Suikoden game, since it was made according to it, but it's still just a LITTLE different... :P The war battles and the very battles, character designs, story (well the story's basically licking Suikoden's... :P), and a few other things. I don't suppose you'd wanna play it, but just in case... xD :P And no one got Metin did they?! Hmph, I guess I'm stuck with playing just by myself and with my sister... -^- :P Haha, and also...something else happened at my new school that I feel so great about... (3 ...But I'm not saying anything else, I might have even said too much, if you paid attention... :lol: xD ;) :P Jesus Christ, I haven't watched 3 episodes of Heroes, only the 1st one, and the 5th is coming out on Monday! :shock: :lol: Jeez, I'm ultra-slow... :P Gotta catch up ASAP... :P Probably tomorrow, seeing as I'm so **** lazy to do it today... :lol: :P Man, I'm getting good at cheating in school! :lol: I had a flood of tests this week and I got good grades from all of them! :D :P Oh...except for **** History... :evil: God I hate that mother-**** teacher, he's such a stinking ****!!! :evil: But anyways, they were all basically pretty hard subjects, and I aced them all! ;D xD So I got a C from Basis of Electronics (A **** C!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!?!?! EVERYONE ELSE GOT EITHER CRUMMY Ds OR Fs!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D (D :P), D- from Biology (that's awesome for me... :lol: :P), D from Chemistry, D from Music, C from Practice, and last week I got an A from Computers. :D HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?! :lol: Ok yeah, I get they're all Ds or Cs or crap like that, but you don't even need all As to finish high school! ;D All Ds are more than enough. ;P Oh and I'm gonna get another A from Biology on Monday seeing as those tasks are more than easy (:P), and we're gonna get our grades from Physics on Monday too. And I did pretty good on them! :D PHYSICS, PEOPLE!!! AND I HAD A **** F ON THE 1ST SEMESTER (oh and still do... :roll: :P)!!!!! HAHA! xD ok then, seeing as there's nothing else at the top of my mind I can update about, I'll bid ya farewell. :P Toodle-loo! :P

...Who are you again...?

WOW, it's been a while. :lol: Well actually this Blog would've been up maybe a month or so ago, but because my stupid video upload to YouTube (OR imeem) didn't work, and I said this in the previous Blog, then this one didn't pop up. :roll: And it's really good, one of my favorites which I made so far, but heck...blame those two stupid sites. Can anyone recommend me a good video-uploading site THAT DOESN'T involve that many problems with it...? :P :lol: Since I'm running out of options. And even if it's just for that one video, I'll freakin' take it! xD So then, about school... Just wow. I was virtually DEVASTATED about my stupid high school the entire past semester, but now...after the winter break passed...umm...I feel like 10 tons of rocks fell off my back, and I SERIOUSLY don't know why... ._____. I'm just accepting it better now, I guess. I'm even thinking about not leaving it next year, which I thought of doing... :? Of course, there are still quite a few grading problems hanging around (and that just can't be fixed... :P), and friendly (or rather, nemesis) problems too... :P Which no school can really go on without, IMO... :lol: Ok so there's this fukin' AMAZING game I've been playing for the last couple of weeks... It's called Metin (2)! :D It's an online game, and kinda like an RPG adventure. You can play with people around the world, and my sister's playing it too. :P We're kinda sick from it... :lol: We basically can't stop. :P You can't stop once you start it, so be careful if any of you decide to open up the following link... xD :P You just follow the steps, download the game, install it, and you're all set and ready to go! :P It's really great, so I'd recommend it for game-players and RPG-lovers. ;) But just be careful not to over-play it, like me and my sis are... :lol: And haha, maybe we could meet up there too. xD :P ;) :D Oh and I bought a new webcam! :D It's pretty nice. Haha I think I wasn't even about to buy one, or at least not any time soon, but Miguel kinda inspired me with his own... :lol: Thanks dude. :P ;D My Suikoden collection is now officially complete! :D I downloaded the Tactics part recently but don't have time to play it through thanks to fukin' school, so it'll just have to wait for now. But I'm pretty happy about it. :3 And I'm downloading lotsa Vandread stuff now... Haha I got back into it. xD I accidentally found out about some additional bonus videos on eMule and I'm downloading them now... And I can now get the Hibiki/Dita Dread screenshot on the opening I never could get before because of credits over it!!! : DDD :lol: So yeah, I'm happy about that too. :P And I'm also gonna (hopefully) make lotsa new videos soon, I have plenty of good song inspirations, so keep your eyes open! :3 :P ...Hahaha wow, this was...VERY unusually long compared to how long I thought it would come out... :P xD But AGAIN, blame stupid YouTube/imeem for that... :roll: :P Laterz peoplez! ;3

I SO PHUCKING HATE THAT SHYT YouTube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DDDDDDDDDDDDX

I found out recently that some shyt Warner Music Group cancels out all audios from videos that they own the copyright for. And that's what they did to mine!!! :evil: So then basically you can't even use music in your videos anymore. Something SO fuking needs to be done. I wanna sue YouTube or that shyt WMG or SOMETHING, I've been making that stupid video for a whole week now just to let it be canceled?! Fuk no!!! :x Does anyone wanna join me or something? I'm not about to let it slide like that. Tons of videos have been canceled out already, and what's the best thing is that other videos with same music may actually be spared and left at YouTube. Can you imagine the nerve of those motherfukers?! I know my nerves are slowly snappin', but I'm definitely gonna have to do something about this. :evil: :x

Have A Hap, Hap, Happy New Year!!! ;)

It's 5 AM here and I'm goin' to sleep. Well here came 2009. GOODBYE, FRIGGIN' 2008 FOREVER!!! I'll remember you and treasure you always...and pray that I actually do forget about it, 'cause so far, it's been the worst year of my life, aside from only a few great or good things. Let's see how well '09 treats me... :roll: Well have a Happy New Year and Holidays, that's pretty much all I had and wanted to say! ;) See ya folks! :)

Jingle Bells, Santa Smells... :P

Well Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays people 'round the world! ;) Yay, I'm officially on my winter break starting today! :D For a stupid 3 weeks... :roll: :evil: Oh and two Fs for the semester. :roll: Argh, que sera, sera, I guess... -_-' I made a new video, and it's my first time making a trailer for something! :D I'm pretty proud of it for my first time. :P Took a little effort, the music and all, but I did it. :P Please watch! :) I really liked doing that (plus it's much easier than 6-minute-long AMVs... :P), so I'm probably gonna do some more kinda like that soon... I just need good trailer music. And so far I've got a few. ;) :P Aww, can't believe Heroes is over 'til February... :( I'm gonna miss it quite a bunch. But somehow I'm doubtful of the new season/volume/whatever that thing is, 'cause...hummm...I dunno. :? Oh and Elle's dead/removed now, so that's a big minus too. :( :cry: So wait a second...3 of my top favorite characters are dead, Elle, Maya and Niki. Oh ain't that a kick in the butt... :roll: That just leaves Hiro and Matt on my top 5 favorite characters list, and I'm slowly losing interest for both of them too. Huh. :roll: C'mon stupid Heroes' writers, don't fail us now! :roll: I'll try to...err..."catch up", so to speak, on Sanctuary during this break, but aww man, I wanna do so much I didn't have time for when school was up, so how the heck am I gonna do it all?! :P Well I think that wraps things up, so I'll just leave ya with Happy Holiday Wishes and a Merry Christmas, so have a great time and see ya soon! ;)
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