Hahaha, yup, it's my holy weekend again... :P Even though I've gotten together with my new school a lot better now, I still wove my wittle howy weekends... :3 :lol: :P So I'm gonna try to work on a few of my videos during these two days, but I just don't feel like doing anything now... :lol: :P I just wanna play my Exit Fate/Metin! xD :P ...Oh yeah, didn't tell ya people about Exit Fate did I? :D It's super-amazing. :P It's basically a Suikoden game, since it was made according to it, but it's still just a LITTLE different... :P The war battles and the very battles, character designs, story (well the story's basically licking Suikoden's... :P), and a few other things. I don't suppose you'd wanna play it, but just in case... xD
http://www.scfworks.com/ef.php :P And no one got Metin did they?! Hmph, I guess I'm stuck with playing just by myself and with my sister... -^- :P Haha, and also...something else happened at my new school that I feel so great about... (3 ...But I'm not saying anything else, I might have even said too much, if you paid attention... :lol: xD ;) :P Jesus Christ, I haven't watched 3 episodes of Heroes, only the 1st one, and the 5th is coming out on Monday! :shock: :lol: Jeez, I'm ultra-slow... :P Gotta catch up ASAP... :P Probably tomorrow, seeing as I'm so **** lazy to do it today... :lol: :P Man, I'm getting good at cheating in school! :lol: I had a flood of tests this week and I got good grades from all of them! :D :P Oh...except for **** History... :evil: God I hate that mother-**** teacher, he's such a stinking ****!!! :evil: But anyways, they were all basically pretty hard subjects, and I aced them all! ;D xD So I got a C from Basis of Electronics (A **** C!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!?!?! EVERYONE ELSE GOT EITHER CRUMMY Ds OR Fs!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D (D :P), D- from Biology (that's awesome for me... :lol: :P), D from Chemistry, D from Music, C from Practice, and last week I got an A from Computers. :D HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?! :lol: Ok yeah, I get they're all Ds or Cs or crap like that, but you don't even need all As to finish high school! ;D All Ds are more than enough. ;P Oh and I'm gonna get another A from Biology on Monday seeing as those tasks are more than easy (:P), and we're gonna get our grades from Physics on Monday too. And I did pretty good on them! :D PHYSICS, PEOPLE!!! AND I HAD A **** F ON THE 1ST SEMESTER (oh and still do... :roll: :P)!!!!! HAHA! xD Umm...so ok then, seeing as there's nothing else at the top of my mind I can update about, I'll bid ya farewell. :P Toodle-loo! :P
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